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All for needy people

Update: 29-11-2013 | 00:00:00
With the spirit of “sharing the love”, residents in TDM City have done many good deeds. Through various methods to support poor people, organizations, enterprises, benefactors have expressed their compassion “whole leaves protecting torn ones” of the country. TDM City’s Fund for Poor People offered Great Unity house to Ms. Nguyen Thi Lien living at quarter 8, Chanh Nghia ward. Using effectively loansTDM City Fatherland Front Committee’s Chairwoman Phan My Oanh said, implementing poverty reducing program of the province, the Committee has launched extensively measures supporting needy people. Poverty reducing policies have really proved its effects, facilitated poverty escaping of needy people.Most cases of disadvantaged people, who want to take out loans to do business, enhance production and breeding, were satisfactorily addressed. Thus more and more people have been encouraged to join emulation movements of production, good business, and cultural life construction in residential areas.In recent time, the government has granted loans with preferential interest from sources like Social Policy Bank, Poor household’s fund, 120 fund etc. to hundreds of poor and near-poor households.Family of Mr. Duong Van Bay in Tan an commune is a typical example. In 2009, Mr. Bay borrowed VND15mln from Fund for Poor People to develop his pig breeding. Now, he has not only a sow herd but also 2 cows, and rents land to grow fruit trees and crops. He said, the capital from poor people supporting fund encouraged his family’s spirit. Thanks to the fund, his family has bettered themselves, escaped from poverty and stabilized their living.Apart from capital supporting, movements of helping each other to do family business from the Committee’s members have spread extensively. To utilize effectively the capital, the municipal Fatherland Front Committee has cooperated with agriculture encouraging stations to opened classes for transferring science and technology to needy members. Trips of visiting real economic models have helped members in learning experiences, measures and then applying properly in accordance with their local ecological characteristics. Thanks to comprehensively poverty reducing measures, the quantity of poor households in TDM City according to new standards of provincial People’s Committee now decreases by 82 households, accounting for 0.19% total population.Offering Great Unity housesResponding to the campaign “Day for needy people”, TDM City Fatherland Front Committee has continues to disseminate widely purposes and meanings of the Fund for Poor People among people. In 2013, an amount of over VND1.2bln was collected from all localities in the city. Some major contributors were BIDV – BD branch, Vietcombank – BD branch. All collected money was spent on constructing 32 Great Unity houses worth totally over VND1bln.Family of Mr. Vo Van Nghe living at hamlet 1, Tuong Binh Hiep commune is a typical poor household receiving Great Unity house. Mr. Nghe loses his working ability, his grandchild is disabled and relies on monthly allowance. His house was in bad condition, and affected badly by the weather. Therefore, the Great Unity house is a great encouragement to his family. He said: “I want to thank the Party, government for supporting my family. Having a good house to shelter, we will make every effort to work, stabilize living and not return to poverty”.In addition, the Committee gave free health check, free medication to poor and policy beneficiary families in wards of Phu Tho, Hiep An, and Chanh My commune; offered scholarships to poor children, gifts to disadvantaged households on occasion of national great unity’s festive day. The Committee also contributed VND916mln to supporting Central part’s flood victims; cooperated with the City’s Labor Federation to raise Truong Sa fund with total nearly VND91mln in order to share difficulties with soldiers at the national border. Ms. Phan Thi My Oanh said, the movement of raising Fund for Poor People has become a good tradition of local residents. It can be said that the movement has contributed largely to implementing the Party, State’s guideline of hunger elimination, poverty reduction, ensuring social security for people.In the near future, TDM City Fatherland Front Committee is going to intensify propaganda, mobilizing resources from organizations, benefactors to construct more Great Unity houses, present scholarships, give gifts to poor people; consolidate effective management of fund usage, speed up poverty reduction according to the City Party Congress’s Resolution.Reported by K.Ha – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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