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Blood donors in Di An honored

Update: 07-04-2014 | 00:00:00

Di An town’s Steering Board for Voluntary Blood Donation has just forwarded a conference to honor blood donors while reviewing the local voluntary blood donation campaign in 2013 and defining orientations for 2014. 

Over the past time, the town’s voluntary blood donation campaign always received an enthusiastic response from mass organizations at all levels, especially members of town-based voluntary blood donation clubs. In 2013 alone, the town’s Steering Board for Voluntary Blood Donation collected 1,618 units of blood, up 218 units of blood compared to the target set out by the province.

The whole town is now home to 8 clubs on voluntary blood donation with 283 members, 8 clubs on reserve blood donation with 163 members. They are seen as a main force in the task of the local propaganda and blood donation. It is known that the town this year will strive to mobilize the local people to take part in voluntary blood donation with 1,800 units of blood collected.

On this occasion, the town’s Steering Board for Voluntary Blood Donation awarded the certificates of merit to 17 collectives and 110 individuals for their excellent performance in the task of blood donation propaganda and mobilization in 2013 and those who have given blood at least three times (photo).

Reported by Quoc Dung-Translated by K.T

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