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Ensuring socio-economic development and political stability

Update: 27-11-2013 | 00:00:00

Many bright characters on local socio-economic situation

At the congress, the provincial People’s Committee chairman Le Thanh Cung said under the provincial Party Committee’s leadership and drastic instruction of all level agencies as well as efforts of all people and businesses in implementing the Party, National Assembly, Government, party committee, People’s Council’s resolutions, the provincial situation of socio-economy has reached encouraging changes on all areas. The main targets on socio-economy have won and exceeded the set plans.

According to the provincial People’s Committee, the local total GDP in 2013 increased 12.8% with the structure of industrial economy – service – agriculture at 61.3% - 35.3% - 3.4%, respectively, local budget collection won VND29,000bil whilst foreign investment attraction reached US$1,320mil.

In addition, the provincial People’s Committee timely launched groups of measures to solve difficulties and bad debts, helping businesses develop. Besides, the Government’s policies of tax exemption, reduction and extension impacted timely on businesses’ operation.

The province focused on learning about businesses’ operation to help them handle difficulties. Therefore, businesses’ operation of production and business reached positive changes, resulting in increase on local businesses’ turnover.

In the past year, the local administration often paid attention to social welfare, gratitude repayment, job placement and vocational training in a bid to improve local people’s life.

In 2014, the provincial People’s Committee will focus on stabilizing economy, controlling inflation, solving difficulties for production and business, striving to reach a higher growth compared with 2013.

Additionally, the province will continue investing synchronously in social and technical infrastructure facilities, developing urban service, effectively implementing the Central’s instructions and policies on investment re-structure, financial market, ensuring social welfare, improving people’s life and investment environment and many more.

The Party building reaches good results

The provincial Party Committee vice standing Secretary Vu Minh Sang said that 2013 was a significant year in implementing Resolution of the 11th Party congress and resolution of the provincial party committee’s 9th party congress. Specifically, the entire party focused on implementing 2013’s resolutions and key tasks, so the locality reached overall results.

All level party committees spurred instruction work on political thought, seriously implemented the 12th Resolution of the 4th session of the 11th Central party executive committee.

One of key tasks of the Party building work at authorities, Fatherland Fronts and mass bodies in 2014 lies in preparation for the provincial party congress for the subsequent term.

Reported by Political reporters – Translated by A.C

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