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Get-together marks 44 years of south liberation day

Update: 05-05-2019 | 15:58:07

Early May 3, provincial Club for the Retired held a get-together to mark the 44th anniversary of the South Liberation and National Reunification (April 30, 1975-April 30, 2019), in attendance of Le Huu Phuoc, member of provincial

Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Propaganda and Education.

At the get-together, members of the club reviewed the glorious tradition of Binh Duong’s army and people during the anti-American resistance war. Upholding the tradition, after national liberation, Binh Duong’s Party, government and people have well mobilized all resources, helping the province become a locality with industrial development in the southern key economic zone. The quality of people’s life has been improved unceasingly with social order and safety maintained, great national unity bloc strengthened, contributing to the local common development.

Speaking at the get-together, Mr.Phuoc encouraged members of the club and wanted that they will further set bright examples for young generations to follow…

Reported by Thanh Le-Translated by K.T

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