Dau Tieng reservoir releases water with flow rate 100m3/s, flooding prevention in the downstream area of Saigon River implemented

Cập nhật: 25-09-2024 | 12:54:51

Southern Irrigation Exploitation Company Limited has announced the first water releasing of Dau Tieng reservoir in 2024, from 7:00 a.m. on September 24 to 7:00 a.m. on October 1, 2024; discharge flow 100m3/s; total discharge volume 60.48 million m3.

Accordingly, depending on the hydrometeorological situation in the basin, the water level, and tides in the downstream of Saigon River, the company will adjust the time and discharge flow to suit the actual situation and will issue further notices. The Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention, Control, Search and Rescue at all levels and relevant local authorities need to have plans and inform people to proactively prevent damage, stabilize their lives, production and business.

According to the company's records, the water level of Dau Tieng reservoir at 7:00 a.m. on September 23 was 22.76m, the flow to the reservoir was about 200m3/s, 0.99m higher than the lowest water level before the flood (21.77m), 0.89m lower than the highest water level before the flood (23.65m). The water releasing is to have flood prevention capacity, proactively respond to the flooding risks in the coming time, ensure the safety of works, prevent and reduce floods for downstream areas...

Reported by K.Tan - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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