Local tourism serviced 2.5 turns of visitors in 3 quarters of 2024, estimated

Cập nhật: 27-09-2024 | 13:59:28

To serve and meet the increasing demands of tourists, in recent times, tourism businesses in the province have paid attention to investing in construction, renovation, and upgrading of infrastructure as well as developing tourism stimulus programs with many attractive activities. A series of activities have attracted attention to Binh Duong from many tourists, especially during holidays and festivals.

According to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in the first 9 months of 2024, the tourism industry of Binh Duong province is expected to serve about 2.8 million visitors, achieving 93.3% of the plan and a 27% increase compared to the same period in 2023; the tourism revenue is estimated to reach 1,790 billion VND, achieving 89.5% of the plan and a 19% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

Reported by Hong Thuan – Translated by Vi Bao

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LƯU Ý: BDO sẽ biên tập ý kiến của bạn đọc trước khi xuất bản. BDO hoan nghênh những ý kiến khách quan, có tính xây dựng và có quyền không sử dụng những ý kiến cực đoan không phù hợp. Vui lòng gõ tiếng việt có dấu, cám ơn sự đóng góp của bạn đọc.

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