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10th session of the 10th provincial People's Council approves 12 resolutions, creating motivation for development

Update: 05-07-2023 | 10:25:15

Yesterday (July 4), the 10th session of the 10th provincial People's Council was conducted urgently, seriously and responsibly. The session was attended by Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation; Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Van Loc, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Council; Nguyen Thi My Hang, Chairwoman of provincial Fatherland Front Committee; leaders of departments, agencies, sectors in the province and deputies of provincial People's Council.

Many resolutions impacting on sustainable development

After a serious, democratic and responsible working session, the 10th session of the 10th provincial People's Council completed its working program and approved 12 important resolutions related to the field of public investment; construction planning; amendment and supplementation of the Scheme on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises for innovative startup and decision on the number of contracts to perform professional work in the cause of education and training for the 2023- 2024 academic year …

Delegates vote on the resolution of the session

The session approved a resolution on adjustment of the investment policy in the construction investment project of the belt road 4 in Ho Chi Minh city at the section from Thu Bien bridge - Saigon river  in the phase 1 under the mode of the public-private  partnership (PPP). Accordingly, through the review of provincial Department of Transport, the investment location of the belt road 4 project in Ho Chi Minh City at the section from Thu Bien bridge - Saigon river in the phase 1 was through the administrative boundaries of North Tan Uyen district, Tan Uyen city, Thu Dau Mot city and Ben Cat town. The administrative boundary of Thu Dau Mot city was added to the site of implementing the project under provincial People's Council’s Resolution No. 09/NQ-HDND dated May 19, 2023.

According to the resolution approving the construction subdivision planning project with 1 /2,000 scale of Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park III in the phase 2, the planning is subdivided with locations in 2 administrative units, including Hoi Nghia ward in Tan Uyen city and Tan Lap commune in North Tan Uyen district, with a scale of 1,000 hectares, with the role of being a development space in association with the area of ​​phase 1 of 196.45 hectares. Particularly, the planning scale is 803.55 hectares and the labor scale is from 33,000-35,000 people. The promulgated resolution will help the whole area develop more sustainably in the coming time.

The session also approved the resolution of the Overal Construction Planning Project with 1/5,000 scale of Cay Truong Industrial Park and agreed on the local adjustment of the overall planning of Thu Dau Mot city. Along with that, the session also considered a resolution promulgating the list of public non-business services using the State budget in the fields of construction, labor, war invalids and society; information and communication; culture, family, sports and tourism; a resolution on amending and supplementing the project on "Supporting innovative start-up small and medium enterprises in Binh Duong province by 2025"...

Urgently bringing resolutions to life

Speaking at the closing session, Mr. Loc said that the passed resolutions are of great significance, especially for the approval of the construction planning of the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park III in the phase 2, Cay Truong Industrial Park... They will ensure the full implementation of legal regulations on planning, creating a basis for provincial People's Committee to operate and perform planning tasks, thereby promoting the local socio-economic development in the coming time.

With the motto of being proactive, flexible, accompanying provincial People's Committee in implementing the local socio-economic development tasks, the 10th session of the 10th provincial People's Council was successful with the high consensus of provincial People's Council deputies. “Provincial People's Council proposed that right after this session, provincial People's Committee should urgently organize the implementation of the resolutions just passed, ensuring the correct order and procedures under the current law. The standing committees, departments and delegates of provincial People's Council will supervise the implementation and organize the implementation to bring the resolutions to life", said Mr. Loc.

He also added that following the 10th session, the 11th session of the 10th People's Council will be held on July 20 and 21, 2023. Provincial People's Council asked for the Standing Committee and Committees of the People's Council to actively coordinate with the People's Committee and specialized sectors to urgently complete contents submitted to the session. The groups of deputies and deputies of provincial People's Council were ordered to focus on researching and contributing many practical ideas so that the regular mid-2023 session will be held with quality and efficiency.

According to the resolution promulgating the list of public non-business services using the State budget in the field of information and communication in Binh Duong province, there are 39 types of public services in the group of press and communication; information safety; training on information and communication; consultancy on information technology for State agencies; software services for State agencies; data search, store, processing and exploitation; rent, lease, sharing of information technology resources... guaranteed by the State budget.

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by Kim Tin

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