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11th provincial Trade Union Congress to take place from September 21 to 23

Update: 14-09-2023 | 12:38:47

Provincial Labor Union’s Propaganda-Education Commission said that the 11th provincial Trade Union congress for the 2023-2028 tenure will officially take place from September 21 to 23 at provincial Convention and Exhibition Center, with the participation of 110 guests and 550 official delegates representing more than 834,000 workers, civil servants and trade union officials throughout the province.

The congress is an extensive and democratic political event, a festival for Trade Union officials and members. The congress will summarize and evaluate the implementation of the Resolution of the 10th provincial Trade Union congress for the 2018-2023 tenure, discuss solutions and set tasks for the 2023-2028 tenure. The congress will synthesize opinions to participate in amending and supplementing the charter of the Vietnam Trade Union; synthesize opinions and recommendations of trade unionists, workers and then submit them to Party committees, authorities, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and elect the Executive Board of provincial Labor Union for the 2023-2028 tenure, elect a delegation to attend the 13th Vietnam Trade Union congress...

Provincial Labor Union called on all trade unionists, workers, civil servants and trade unions at all levels in the province to uphold the spirit of responsibility, promote the traditions of solidarity,  creativity among workers and have determination to bring the resolutions of Trade Union congresses at all levels for the 2023-2028 tenure into life, build up a specific action program to create achievements to welcome the 11th provincial Trade Union congress, actively emulate in labor and study in order to positively contribute to the local development.

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by Kim Tin

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