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2,570 gifts offered to poor workers living away from home

Update: 22-05-2024 | 14:04:32

In the first quarter of 2024, Di An city’s Labor Union visited and donated 2,570 gifts worth VND 1 million each to workers living away from home with difficult circumstances.

The city’s Labor Union also suggested provincial Labor Union to visit and offered gifts worth VND10million in cash to 21 difficult workers from provincial Fund for Workers with extremely difficult circumstances.

Under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor’s Decision No. 6696/QDTLD on supporting employees with reduced working hours and temporarily suspended from execution of their labor contracts, the city’s Labor Union has coordinated with relevant units to evaluate and support 988 trade unionists and employees with reduced working hours with a total amount of more than VND 978 million and 17 trade unionists, employees temporarily suspended from execution of their labor contracts with a support amount of VND 34 million.

Reported by K.Ha-Translated by Kim Tin

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