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2024 provincial program commending outstanding young citizens and promising young faces: Youth role models for the new era

Update: 17-05-2024 | 11:19:44

Yesterday morning (May 16), provincial Youth Union Standing Committee coordinated with Le Phong Group to organize a program to commend outstanding young citizens and promising young faces at the WTC International Exhibition Center (WTC Expo). At the event, 11 exemplary young citizens and 14 promising young faces of the province were honored.

Touched and proud

In the days of May, the 2024 provincial program to commend outstanding young citizens and promising young faces is a meaningful activity of the local youth towards the 134th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2024). The title of "provincial Typical Young Citizen” is a noble award of the Youth Union to reward, encourage and honor exemplary youngsters living, studying in Binh Duong province or participating in the local Youth Union branches, with outstanding achievements in all fields of social life.

At the event, delegates were able to watch videos introducing each typical young role-model to better understand the efforts and achievements done as well as their contributions in every field of ​​life. 11 outstanding young faces, 14 promising faces honored at the program are all typical examples, achieving many excellent achievements, being worthy of being bright examples for young people to follow.

Vo Van Minh, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Committee awards the title of "provincial Outstanding Young Citizen 2024” to Dr. Phan Tan Luc, lecturer at Thu Dau Mot University

Among the above typical examples, we can mention "the dark knight" Le Anh Tuan who is always present to help people who have traffic accidents. To date, he has made more than 300 trips to save people on the threshold of the death. Or, Truong Chan Sang, Chairman of the English Club for the Community has organized many volunteer activities, promoting the spirit of learning among children in all parts of the country. Meanwhile, Phan Tan Luc, a lecturer at Thu Dau Mot University, a typical young doctor of the province has gained many outstanding achievements in teaching and scientific research...

Tran Thi Diem Trinh, Secretary of provincial Youth Union said: "The title of "provincial Typical Young Citizen" and the title of "provincial Promising Young Face" have received the attention and participation of a large number of Youth Union members and young workers; create emulation effects in learning and creative labor, thereby contributing to realizing the goal of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress set out and implementing the Prime Minister’s Decision No.1314/QD-TTg dated November 1, 2022 on "Detecting,  nurturing and promoting young Vietnamese talents in the period of 2022-2030".

Living like flowers...

Each bright example honored has stories and messages to send to the program. Doctor Nguyen Quang Tien, Deputy Head of provincial General Hospital’s Department of Intensive Care and Poison Control, Vice-Secretary of the hospital’s Youth Union has always remembered to be wholeheartedly devoted to patients throughout his years of work. Especially for patients with difficult circumstances, he has always tried his best in treatment. Working in a special department, considered as the "last door" in the hospital, where serious cases are received, with high work intensity and under a lot of pressure, he has still tried to complete his duties well, been always close and wholeheartedly with patients. As Vice-Secretary of the hospital’s Youth Union, he and the Executive Committee of the hospital’s Youth Union branch have carried out many youth projects at the hospital, namely "Love wardrobe" donating clothes... to serve patients’ relatives; "Shared bookshelf" equipped with 10 bookshelves in public locations to serve the entertainment needs of patients' relatives and equip them with knowledge; "Donation box to support poor patients", "Zero-dong haircut" to serve relatives of patients receiving inpatient treatment at the hospital...

Provincial Youth Union coordinates with Le Phong Group to organize a program to commend provincial outstanding young citizens and promising young faces in 2024

Teacher Doan Thi Thanh Tuyen, from Vo Thi Sau Kindergarten’s Youth Union branch in Di An city, with noble living ideals, she has always dedicated everything to the future generations of the country; always put her heart and soul into every lesson. Over the past time, she wrote experiential initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning at the school. She also achieved many achievements in teaching such as the 3rd Outstanding Young Teacher Award at the Central level; the title of Grassroots Emulation Soldier for many consecutive years; the Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Education and Training for outstanding achievements in the emulation movement of "Innovation and creativity in management, teaching and learning" in the 2021-2022 school year; the title of the 7th provincial "Outstanding Young Teacher and Lecturer"...

Mrs. Trinh said: "Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee hopes that these outstanding youngsters will further make efforts in studying, working and practicing morality, be a bright example in their families, units and in the community; continue maintaining the title, actively participating in propaganda activities and spreading good values; further achieve more success in studying, working and producing, actively contributing to the development of the units, contributing to the successful implementation of the national industrialization and modernization cause..." .

Nguyen Loc Ha, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee: "I expect that the outstanding young examples at today's commendation program will always maintain their spirit, enthusiasm, make more efforts and contributions to the community and society, the Fatherland and the people; be truly bright examples for everyone to follow.... Achieving success and recognition is difficult, but keeping the title and love is much more difficult. Each typical example is a flower that shines in spirit, morality, sense of responsibility and dedication. I hope that the fragrance will shine in the community, spread and inspire good things...".

Reported by Ngoc Nhu-Translated by Kim Tin

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