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55th anniversary of vindictive Phu Loi Day marked

Update: 02-12-2013 | 00:00:00

Phu Loi Jail only existed 8 years from 1957-1964 with the name of Phu Loi Correctional Center but the location was really the hell on earth for patriots and political prisoners.

Till the end of 1958, the location had about 6,000 prisoners, 1,000 of whom were female prisoners.

On Dec. 1, 1958, enemies poisoned more than 3,000 political prisoners, many of them were died whilst others were in coma.

On this occasion, 18 individuals were granted the revolutionary soldier insignia for their great contributions to the revolutionary cause of the national liberation.

Reported by T.Thao – Translated by A.C

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