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69th anniversary of Vietnamese People’s Army marked

Update: 20-12-2013 | 00:00:00

Early December 19, Ben Cat district’s Military Command in collaboration with the district’s Liaison Committee of Armed Forces held a get-together to mark the 69th founding anniversary of Vietnamese People’s Army (December 22, 1944-December 22, 2013) and the 24th anniversary of the festive day of People's National Defence (December 22, 1989-December 22, 2013).

At the get-together, participating delegates reviewed the glorious tradition of Vietnamese People’s Army in general and of Ben Cat district’s armed forces in particular. This was also a chance for the local Party organizations and authorities at all levels to express their attention to leaders of the district’s Party Committee and People’s Committee over periods; officials of the district’s Military Command and other military staff who were retired with the ranks of the majority and lieutenant-colonel.

Reported by T.Dung-C.Khanh-Translated by K.T

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