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88th provincial job transaction session absorbs 138 businesses

Update: 29-03-2014 | 00:00:00

The 88th provincial job transaction session has just been organized by provincial Job Placement Center, absorbing more than 2,900 laborers. 

At the job transaction session, recruiters directly interviewed 2,465 laborers. Among them, there were 1,306 female laborers, 1,503 immigrants and 1,651 laborers with technical skills. More than 6,500 laborers also visited the job transaction session via internet.

Reportedly, the center’s online job transaction floor in March has received 675 job applications and welcomed 254,216 visitors.

It is known that the job transaction session also lured 138 participating enterprises with the recruitment demand of 20,086 laborers in industries of transport, insurance, electronics, telecommunications, food processing, education, real estate trading, furniture and many other services.

Reported by Tuong Vy-Translated by K.T

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