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Activities of Binh Duong Lottery One-Member Co.Ltd. in 2010 reviewed

Update: 24-02-2011 | 00:00:00

Early Feb.23, Binh Duong Lottery One-Member Co.Ltd. held a conference to sum up its trading activities in 2010 and design orientations, tasks for 2011.

 The company continued obtaining positive results in 2010. Particularly, the company’s total revenue reached VMD1.941trillion, increasing by 25.6% compared to 2009 and exceeding 13.1% of 2010’s plan. The company also paid VND580.48bln for State budget, beyond 65.8% of the province’s plan.

 There were also considerable improvements in terms of the policies on salary, bonus and other social welfare for laborers herein with the monthly per capita income of VND6.3mln…

 In 2011, the company will strive to increase its total revenue by 5% compared to that of 2010 and pay VND650bln for State budget.

 On this occasion, 14 individuals who are the owners of lottery agents were awarded the certificates of merit by provincial People’s Committee for obtaining the high sales for consumption.


Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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