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Activities to respond to Book Day and Vietnamese Reading Culture

Update: 18-04-2024 | 12:57:29

In response to the Book Day and Vietnamese Reading Culture this year, many vibrant activities are taking place in the province. Not only introducing and bringing books closer to everyone, these activities also contribute to spreading and developing reading culture in the province.

The contesting performance of Phu Giao district delegation at the provincial contest of 2024

The meaningful contest to introduce books

In recent days, many localities in the province have organized propaganda contests, introducing district-level books for 2024. At each contest, teachers have introduced viewers to many good books, meaningful stories in books through various vivid and captivating forms of presentation. Through this, the teams not only introduce to everyone good titles to read, but also inspire, foster a love for reading in many people, especially students.

Participating in the propaganda competition and book introduction this year organized by the Cultural Center, Information - Sports of Thu Dau Mot city, Ms. Nguyen Thi Sen from Tran Phu Primary School and her colleagues brought many indescribable emotions to everyone when introducing the book "The Last Days of Beloved President Ho Chi Minh". Sharing about this competition, Mrs. Sen stated that with the desire to inspire everyone, especially her students, the members of her team have found a good book, suitable for spreading and introducing in the best way, attracting listeners and readers.

At the provincial level, the propaganda and book introduction contest for 2024 organized by the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in coordination with the Department of Education and Training took place on the morning of April 16. The contest attracted 9 teams from districts, towns, and cities in the province to participate; each team consisted of 4 contestants (excluding the illustration part). In addition to the team introduction part, the participating teams also go through the propaganda section, book introduction, and book reading skills section. Most of the participating teams are excellent teams selected from the district-level competition, so they have brought to the audience, listeners very distinctive and attractive propaganda, book introduction parts.

The Deputy Director of the Provincial Library (Standing Committee of the Organizing Committee), Ms. Phan Diễm Thúy, stated that the theme running through this year's book promotion and introduction competition from district to provincial level is "Teachers - the conveyors of reading culture". With this topic, what the Organizing Committee desires is to create a healthy and beneficial playground for the target audience, who are teachers in localities within the province. Each teacher participating in the contest is not only a propagandist, an inspiration for reading books, but also a shining example for students to follow in the spirit of self-study, applying practical knowledge from books, newspapers to life, teaching and learning activities. Thereon, the contest contributes to spreading and forming the habit of reading books and newspapers for students in schools.

Book weeks to be available

Recently, the provincial People's Committee issued a plan to organize the 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day. The peak of organizing the main activities of the 3rd Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day in the province will focus from April 15 to May 1, 2024.

On that note, the Book and Reading Culture Day of Vietnam this year is scheduled to open at 6:00 PM on April 25th at Nguyen Du Park, Phu Cuong Ward, Thu Dau Mot City. In addition to promotional and visual communication activities, within the framework of the Book and Reading Culture Day, there will be attractive and interesting activities to serve book enthusiasts. The highlight is the exhibition of the Book Week from April 25 to May 1. Publishing units and related units will organize exhibition booths to introduce good books, beautiful books, sell books at discounted prices... Along with that are activities guiding reading skills, selecting suitable books for each target audience and integrating artistic performances to promote learning, reading in the community.

In this week's space, Thu Dau Mot city will coordinate with agencies, units to organize additional activities serving cultural reading, activities for children; club activities of people with the same interests, the same passion for collecting books; painting, sculpting, making toy figurines, writing calligraphy, club activities, folk games and nightly arts performances to serve the people. For the library system, in addition to the propaganda competition, introducing books in 2024, there are many other meaningful activities in response to this year's Book and Reading Culture Day. Accordingly, from April 17 to 23, there will be displays, exhibitions of new books, good books in various fields, newspapers, magazines of all kinds serving readers at the provincial library hall. On the morning of April 19, at the children's room of the provincial library, there will also be a book festival with many useful activities for students to participate in.

Reported by Hong Thuan – Translated by Vi Bao

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