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Administrative reforms unblocked

Update: 30-10-2023 | 14:28:00

In recent meetings, Binh Duong provincial People's Committee has directed departments, branches, districts, towns and cities to improve their responsibilities, especially the role of leaders in administrative reform and handling of administrative procedures mainly on digital platforms to strictly implement data connection on the National Public Service.

Connect and share data

According to the quick report on the index of operating direction and assessing the quality of service to people and businesses in implementing administrative procedures and public services in real time in the electronic environment (Indicator set 766), by October 23, Binh Duong marked 74.23 points to be ranked 17 out of 63 provinces and cities, increasing by 5.9 points and 17 places compared to last month's results. Although the ranking has increased, there are still late applications mainly on the one-stop-shop system of ministries, branches and provinces.

The 766 index set includes 5 index groups with a total of 100 points, including the Publicity and Transparency Index (18 points), the Progress and Resolution Results Index (20 points), the Online Public Service Delivery Index (22 points), Records Digitization Index (22 points) and Satisfaction Index (18 points). According to the assessment, Binh Duong has basically implemented the connection and data sharing between the national population database and the province's information system for handling administrative procedures.

Binh Duong provincial Public Administration Center staff handle administrative procedures for people

Besides the positive results, there are still some bottlenecks in administrative procedure reforms such as digital transformation and e-government building, connecting, integrating and sharing data between the province's administrative procedure handling information system and a number of information systems, national databases, specialized databases, and registration fields, business registration, construction, land, and judicial records which have been incompleted.

In recent meetings, the provincial People's Committee has clearly pointed out that the publication of administrative procedures is not timely; the updating and publicization of administrative procedures is not regular, not complete, and not on time. The provision of online, interconnected, and comprehensive public services has not achieved the set goals. Digitization of new documents only stops at the submission stage, not yet been implemented at the stage of processing and returning electronic results. The rate of exploitation and reuse of digital information and data is still low. In addition, the one-stop-shop software system of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Justice and a number of other software subsystems still have to use software majors in parallel with the province's information system for handling administrative procedures, leading to officials and civil servants having to spend time processing documents on multiple software.

The province's administrative procedure reform working group has reported and recommended that the government require ministries and branches to integrate specialized databases, share data to save resources, effectively use the database, automatically fill in the database into eform, reduce the composition of paper records, and reduce the cost of complying with administrative procedures.

Efforts to improve rankings

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, said that departments, branches and localities have recently made efforts and determination to increase responsibility, especially the leading role in reform. Along with that, localities and units have strictly implemented data connection on the National Public Service, coordinating with the Department of Information and Communications and the provincial Public Administration Center to handle suspended and erroneous records, tested on the province's one-stop-shop system with the determination to handle overdue documents and implement online public services and digitize records.

Recent meetings of the provincial People's Committee have promptly identified shortcomings, limitations, and causes in implementing administrative reform, digital transformation, Project 06, and smart city construction. On that basis, all levels, branches and localities, especially the steering groups and standing units of the provincial steering committee, need to focus on monitoring and implementing drastic measures. In particular, implementing according to plan, evaluating the implementation process, focusing on clearing bottlenecks and closely following reality have been conducted to coordinate solutions, ensuring the highest results.

The provincial People's Committee requires strengthening the leadership and direction role in implementation and promoting the procurement of equipment and services according to the plan. It is recommended that departments, branches and localities promptly publish all administrative procedures, minimize late documents and improve the quality of online public services. The provincial People's Committee also requires departments, branches, districts, towns and cities to advise the provincial People's Committee on solutions to improve the ranking of Index 766. Specifically, by the end of November 2023, at least 80% of administrative procedures must be achieved the main provision of online public services to digitize the entire process from input to return to create data and reuse it effectively. Binh Duong is determined that by the end of 2023, 100% of the results of administrative procedures will be digitized and 100% of input records with reuse digitized values.

Particularly for 25 essential public services under Project 06, the province will immediately complete 100% digitalization in handling administrative procedures at the one-stop-shop department so that people do not have to declare and provide again. It is ensured that 100% of the document components have digitized output results to be digitally signed and included in the personal digital data warehouse and Project 06 databases used in receiving input documents. Besides, the rate of resolving administrative procedures on time always will be assured at over 98%. 100% of administrative procedure records are updated with processing progress information on the National Public Service and recorded in the Index 766.

Reported by Ho Van – Translated by Vi Bao

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