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Advanced new rural construction: Efforts made to reach the finish line

Update: 22-02-2023 | 12:32:13

Many localities in the province are making efforts to fulfill advanced new rural construction criteria enhanced, towards model rural areas. In Phu Giao district, completing the goal of building advanced new-style rural areas has been identified as one of the key tasks in 2023.

Follow closely the new criteria

Phu Giao district currently has 100% communes as new-style rural areas, of which 7 communes reached the goal of advanced new rural areas. With high determination, three communes of Phuoc Hoa, An Binh and Tam Lap (which have not yet reached the advanced criteria) are speeding up the progress of construction investment to complete the missing infrastructure, and soon meet the criteria to be recognized as an advanced new-style rural commune this year.

Guava products of Thanh Kien Guai Cooperative are OCOP products of Phuoc Hoa commune.

In 2022, the implementation of the national target program on advanced new rural construction in the three above communes was implemented synchronously and gained good results.  For example, in Phuoc Hoa commune, by September 2022, 18/19 criteria were achieved. However, according to the new regulations in Decision No. 2459/QD-UBND on the set of advanced new rural construction criteria, issued by Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee on October 3rd, 2022, many criteria fulfilled by the three communes are no longer suitable.  After re-evaluation, Phuoc Hoa commune only met 10/19 criteria; An Binh commune met 10/19 criteria; Tam Lap commune met 11/19 criteria according to the new set of criteria.

According to the advanced new rural construction criteria, commune, hamlet and inter-hamlet roads must have necessary items, according to regulations, of signs, signposts, speeding time...; average income must reach 80 million VND/person/year; have an effective model of rural economic development by integrating multiple economic, cultural and environmental values; percentage of households that classify solid waste at source... Meanwhile, due to the common difficulties of the economy, the price of gasoline, oil, materials, and agricultural products fluctuated, affecting production and business activities; thereby affecting people's lives, investment capital in welfare works such as electricity, roads, cultural houses, markets... This has partly affected the completion of the advanced new rural construction criteria of the above communes.

Determined to reach the finish line

In order for the construction of advanced new rural areas in the commune in 2023 to be completed on schedule, Party Committee of Phuoc Hoa commune developed and issued a specific resolution on the implementation of the national target program on advanced new rural construction in Phuoc Hoa commune in 2023.

The resolution determines to concentrate all resources, especially resources from the people; bring into play strengths of the locality to build a sustainable agriculture, taking the household-based economy as the key; to step up industrialization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas; plan the formation and development of concentrated production areas and livestock breeding zones; increase the application of science and technology into livestock production, improving productivity, value and competitiveness of products.

The commune continues to carry out economic restructuring by gradually increasing the proportion of processing industry, handicraft industry; commerce - service industry serving agriculture, economic development goes hand in hand with protecting the ecological environment... In addition, the commune directs, administers, monitors hamlets to follow the advanced new rural development criteria to develop contents assisting each specific criterion; strives to achieve 19 criteria, 75 targets according to provisions of the advanced new rural construction criteria set.

To Cam Nhung, Party Secretary of Tam Lap Commune, said that with the high determination to fulfill the goal of advanced new rural construction in 2023, the Party Executive Committee analyzed and clarified limitations and shortcomings; then proposed solutions to direct each sector, each field to develop their own plan. For 11 criteria and 65 targets achieved, the commune continues to promote the achieved results, improve the quality of the criteria and targets. For 8 criteria and 10 targets that are unsatisfactory, the commune developed solutions to implement according to two solution groups. For the infrastructure criteria group, the commune focuses on reviewing and will propose the District People's Committee to allocate funds for the construction of 16 rural traffic works in 2023 to ensure and improve the quality of infrastructure criteria; continue to direct hamlets, mobilize people and businesses to contribute to building and upgrading alleys, installing lights...

Pham Van Tam, Party Secretary of An Binh Commune, said that implementing the National Target Program on advanced new rural construction in the 2021-2025 period, the commune has so far achieved 10/19 criteria. In 2023, with the participation of the whole political system, the unanimous determination of the Party Committee, the government and the people, An Binh commune is determined to complete the goal of becoming an advanced new rural area.

In 2023, Phu Giao district will continue to develop high-tech agriculture in association with production, processing and consumption of products and advanced new rural construction, along with environmental protection. The district focuses on solutions to achieve the criteria and targets that have not yet been met according to the advanced new rural area criteria, and maintain and improve the quality of the achieved criteria and targets; strives that in 2023, the remaining three communes, Phuoc Hoa, An Binh, and Tam Lap will be recognized as advanced new rural areas; 7 communes that were recognized as advanced new rural areas will continue to maintain and improve the quality of criteria according to the set of advanced new rural construction criteria in the 2021-2025 period, and there will be 1-2 communes recognized as model new rural areas...

Reported by Do Trong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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