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All ready for university entrance exam

Update: 02-07-2013 | 00:00:00
Tomorrow (July 3), the university entrance exam 2013 will officially starts. According universities and colleges, all preparations for the exam have been completed and ready for the event. Youths, volunteer students, as well as donors have also involved in the event to help candidates.   Volunteer students help candidates at the Eastern Bus Station.

Final inspection

According to Nguyen Canh Luong, vice headmaster of Ha Noi Technology University, the university in this year’s entrance exam lures about 22,000 candidates. Despite adequacy of material facilities, Ha Noi University of Technology must hire additional many locations outside the university to hold the exam. “All exam locations have been inspected closely to welcome candidates on July 3”, Luong added.

Similarly, Ha Noi University of Education also hires material facilities at other schools to meet participation of numerous candidates.

At Quy Nhon University, the university exam council announced a map of 47 exam locations for examinees. 4,000 proctors, 200 cadres and soldiers and 80 medical employees are mobilized to implement tasks relating to the exam.

Launching assistance for candidates

While universities and colleges have been busy with final inspection of the exam preparation work, volunteer students and youths have launched assistance campaigns for candidates. Across bus stations, especially in 2 big cities such as HCMC and Ha Noi, blue shirts of volunteer youths have been seen everywhere.

This year, Ha Noi has more than 10,000 volunteers participating in the “Giving strength to exam season” program. They are divided into many various groups to gather across train stations and bus stations as well as exam locations. More than 100 volunteer students’ teams with about 1,500 volunteers have implemented their tasks across bus and train stations. Nearly 10,000 volunteers have appeared at all exam locations during the exam season.

 Teams of volunteer students at a launching ceremony.

Ha Noi municipal Students’ Society in cooperation with businesses such as Yamaha, SYM opens activity of the campaign of “Volunteer students carry pink dreams”. Accordingly, over 200 volunteers use motorbikes to carry candidates and their relatives to exam locations, lodging houses free of charge.

Earlier, volunteer teams launched an activity to seek out low priced boarding houses for candidates. At present, these teams have possessed a list of about 8,000 free lodging rooms and about 6,000 low priced ones. In addition, volunteer students have offered iced tea glasses free of charge for candidates and parents.

Meanwhile, in the central region, vegetarian meals are ready for candidates. Vietnam Buddhism Shangha at the central province of Thua Thien Hue has assisted about 13,000 free vegetarian rice portions at 5 various locations for candidates and parents. In addition, volunteer students of Hue University have involved in offering free rice portions for candidates right at exam locations. Over the past years, free vegetarian rice portions for candidates have become a good deed of Vietnam Buddhism Shangha at the central province of Thua Thien Hue.

At Ho Chi Minh City, with the theme of “Bringing wings to dreams”, the “giving strength to exam season” program in this year has lured participation of 90 temples and tens of Buddhism believers’ families and people offering 7,500 free lodging rooms and 150,000 vegetarian rice portions for poor candidates and parents. In addition, the organizing board will donate more than 3,000 bus tickets and pick up candidates to exam locations in this exam season.

Candidates flocking to HCMC

Over the past 2 days, the number of candidates flocking to the HCMC to take the university entrance exam has sky-rocketed. Volunteer students at bus and train stations have nearly worked around the clock to help candidates and parents.

Candidate Duong Thi Mai Nhu and her mother from Binh Phuoc province enjoyed assistance from volunteer students at the Eastern bus station. Candidate Mai Nhu said that she registered to take the HCMC University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Sai Gon University and felt lucky to enjoy help from volunteer students.

Volunteer students have to work from 3 am to 10 p.m to help candidates. Despite difficulties, they feel happy to help candidates. As of July 1, the “Giving strength to exam season” program of the HCMC sponsor center for students counseled and helped more than 45,000 candidates nationwide.

Reported by T.S – Translated by A.C

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