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Animal husbandry industry of Dau Tieng district develops rapidly and stably

Update: 21-12-2023 | 13:29:16

As implementing the plan to restructure the agricultural sector, Dau Tieng district continues to choose three types of livestock (pigs, cows, chickens) to focus on development. The whole district has 253 livestock and poultry farms (124 poultry farms, 129 cattle farms), an increase of 0.4% over the same period last year. Estimated total cattle herd is 212,580 heads (up 2.89% over the same period), meat output supplied to the market is 40,964 tons/year, pig farming value reaches 5.35 billion VND/ha/year; poultry herd of 3,750 million (up 6.53% over the same period), meat output of 41,000 tons/year, chicken farming value of 3.71 billion VND/ha/year; The total herd of buffaloes and cows is over 7,000 (including about 600 dairy cows). The proportion of animal husbandry industry accounts for 49.55% of the agricultural sector structure.

In 2023, the district regularly inspects business, slaughtering, quarantine, and transportation of livestock, poultry, and animal products. The district continues to carry out the relocation of livestock facilities out of areas where livestock farming is not allowed and converting open-farm livestock facilities to cold farms as planned.

Reported by Hanh Nhi - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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