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Animated activities in response to National Day on Drug Prevention

Update: 24-06-2023 | 11:00:31

Towards this year's National Day on Drug Prevention (June 26), agencies, departments and localities in the province have organized many activities and attracted a large number of people to participated in.

Ready for launching day

As planned, the launching ceremony to respond to the National Day on Drug Prevention this year will be held in Tan Uyen city on June 25. To date, the activities for this event have been completed. About 1,500 people are expected to attend the launching ceremony.

A cadre of provincial Drug-related crime investigation Police Division talk about anti-drug work in Thuan An city’s Hung Dinh ward

As noted by reporters, many activities were organized in response to this event over the past days. According to the annual practice, provincial Department of Education and Training organized a draw contest on propaganda of drug prevention and drug harms. This year's contest attracted the participation of students of many levels, creating a strong spread, becoming a very meaningful movement among students. It is expected that the awards ceremony of the contest will be held on June 25 ahead.  

Meanwhile, provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (LOLISA) also organized a delegation to visit and offer gifts to drug addicts at provincial rehabilitation facility and two community counseling and support points for drug addicts in Ben Cat town’s An Tay commune and Thuan An city’s An Thanh ward. Earlier, on June 23, the model of "Consultation, care, support for treatment and detoxification in the community" was held in Tan Uyen city’s Thai Hoa and Khanh Binh wards.

For a drug-free environment

Possibly speaking, drug prevention and control from the community are always considered by agencies, departments and localities as a political task and have been carried out regularly and continuously in recent years. With their role, the departments always strived to have a drug-free environment and no one, no family had to suffer for the "white death". Accordingly, provincial Women's Union implemented specific activities among its branches with various forms suitable to each object and region.

This year, district-level Women's Unions have innovated and applied information technology in propaganda to raise the sense of responsibility, set examples and mobilize relatives to actively participate in anti-drug activities. Also in June, Women’s Union officials at grassroots level have also coordinated with relevant units in organizing management, education and helping female prisoners reintegrate into the community; helping people after rehabilitation get stable jobs.

With their roles, agencies and departments such as provincial Veterans' Association, Youth Union, Department of Health, Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs ... have had many ways to uphold the effectiveness of rehabilitation in the community, step by step clearing up the locality. According to a report by provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, by the end of 2022, the whole province is managing 3,240 drug addicts with management records. Currently, the age of drug users is increasingly younger with diverse composition and increasing trend of synthetic drug use.

Over the past time, provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs coordinated with provincial Police Agency and relevant units to carry out many activities to improve the effectiveness of the local rehabilitation; had timely coordination in consulting documents to urge and guide the units to send drug addicts to provincial Rehabilitation Center as well as registering the implementation of rehabilitation in the community.


According to provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, under the leadership and direction of provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee and the close coordination of departments, sectors and mass organizations, especially the consensus of the people, the task of rehabilitation and management after rehabilitation has achieved certain results. However, for this task to be more effective, the province needs to implement a series of solutions such as diversifying the forms of propaganda and dissemination of consequences and harms of drug abuse; propagandizing policies and laws on drug prevention at schools, workplaces, families and in the community. Districts, towns and cities need to quickly announce voluntary rehabilitation points in the community and provide professional guidance and training on rehabilitation at home and in the community...Communes and wards need to deploy and replicate the model of post-rehibilitation support, counseling and management points to introduce jobs for people who have gone through detoxification…in line with the actual situation of each locality.

Attaching special importance to vocational training, job creation for people after rehabilitation

According to provincial Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, vocational training and job rehabilitation are always concerned and directed by the sector. Currently, this task is integrated into the job creation loan program through the Bank for Social Policies. However, the number of people after rehabilitation who receive counseling and support to get jobs is still low compared to the total number of those managed. The number of people getting jobs is not also stable, mainly doing simple jobs such as working as motorbike taxi drivers, servants… Therefore, for this problem to be solved radically, along with the support of localities, agencies and departments in giving vocational training, associating vocational training with job creation for people after rehabilitation,  the efforts by their families and themselves are also needed.
According to Huynh Thi Thuy Phuong, Vice-Chairwoman of provincial Women's Union, strengthening anti-drug propaganda will help raise Women’s Union cadres and members’ awareness of the consequences and harmful effects of drug abuse on social life. This is also the thing that needs to be done to gradually improve the effectiveness of drug prevention in combination with promoting the implementation of the campaign "Building a family of 5 no-s, 3 clean-s", the criteria of "Family does not violate the law and social evils”.

Reported by T.Phuong-Q.Nhu-Translated by Kim Tin

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