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Attracting investment associated with sustainable development

Update: 26-09-2018 | 15:01:12

Tan Uyen town has just organized the preliminary meeting between the term of implementing the Resolution of the 11th Party Congress of the Town (term 2015-2020). In the field of economy, according to the assessment of the town has achieved many positive results. The Party Committee also set out objectives and tasks to further promote the strengths of the locality, attracting investment associated with sustainable development.

Up to now, in the economic structure of Tan Uyen town, industry accounts for 70.8% (down 1.4% over the beginning of the term), trade - services 27% (up 1.9% compared with the beginning of the term), agriculture 2.2% (down 0.5% over the beginning of the term). The total value of industrial production in the town increased 12.3% per year; Total retail sales of goods and services increased by 18.3% on average each year; The average value of agricultural production increased by 1.2% per annum. At the mid-term meeting, the Party Committee evaluated most of the targets have met and exceeded the target but not corresponding with the development potential of the locality.

At the conference, the Town Party Committee also frankly acknowledged, commercial - service activities in the area is still small scale, not large commercial centers; The implementation progress of some investment projects to build commercial residential areas, commercial centers, supermarkets is slower than the approved plan. For high-quality services of the town, especially in the field of science and technology is weak, hotel services, restaurants, high quality health care has not developed or developed slowly; The socialization in the fields of health, education, culture, physical education and sports is still limited.

Production activities of a business in the area of ​​Tan Uyen town. Photo: Duy Chi

From the above-mentioned practical point of view, the Tan Uyen Town Party Committee proposes measures to promote strengths, continue attracting investment associated with sustainable development. Accordingly, in the field of industry, the town will organize the implementation of preferential policies and attract investment of the province on renewing investment attraction in the period 2016-2020. The town continues to facilitate To invest in technological innovation, increase capital and develop production in depth; At the same time, vocational training for laborers and policies on housing and social security.

In the field of trade and services, the town continues to call for investment in marketplaces, supermarkets and trade centers under the approved planning; Encouraging large-scale commercial business establishments to be transformed into commercial enterprises under the Enterprise Law. In parallel, the town continues to develop tourism, calling for investment in eco-tourism routes and historical relics in the area. In the field of agriculture, the town attaches great importance to the development associated with the urbanization process in the direction of developing urban agriculture and hi-tech agriculture; improve the efficiency of agricultural land use, increase the value and profit per unit area ...

At the mid-term conference, Tan Uyen Town Party set the target from now to the end of term should focus on implementing tasks and solutions for stable development and maintain the growth rate of the industry. The To concentrate on attracting investment in trade and services to increase the proportion of trade and services in the economic structure. The town continues to shift its agricultural structure towards urban agriculture, high technology agriculture, linking production with consumption markets and urbanization.

 Implementing the Program No. 34-CTr / TU of the provincial Party Committee on investment attraction in the period 2016-2020, Tan Uyen town priority to attract investment in industrial parks, high technology projects, less Employer. The town also encourages investment in the development of trade - services, tourism, and high technology agriculture.

Reported by D. Chi – Translated by Vi Bao

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