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Bac Tan Uyen District Party Committee in unity to build a clean and strong and transparent Party Committee

Update: 01-03-2019 | 11:14:27
In recent years, Party building work has always been identified by Bac Tan Uyen District Party Committee as a key task, aiming to build a truly clean and strong Party Committee. In particular, Bac Tan Uyen District Party Committee determined that political and ideological education work is a key step to create solidarity and unification of wills and actions in the entire Party Committee to successfully achieve the objectives and tasks set out
The cadres of Bac Tan Uyen district are always devoted to the people for service
Steadfast thoughts
Determining political education and ideology is a key task in the construction of the Party, therefore, the Party committees of the Bac Tan Uyen Party Committee have strengthened their implementation. In particular, Party committees have effectively propagated the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State associated with local socio-economic development tasks; regularly informing local and international news to cadres and party members, contributing to stabilizing the overall situation, creating trust in cadres, party members and people on the leadership of the Party, management , Executive of the State. At the same time, Bac Tan Uyen District Party Committee organized the implementation of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideas, morals and style in accordance with the annual themes in accordance with the direction of the province; organizing preliminary review of the implementation of models and rewarding outstanding and typical individuals and collectives in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hiep, Secretary of Bac Tan Uyen Party Committee, said that in the political and ideological education work, the District Party Committee determined the implementation of Directive 05-CT / TW must be closely associated with the implementation of the Resolution. Central 4 (the 12th term) on "Strengthening the construction and adjustment of the Party; prevent, repress the recession of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolutions", "self-transformation" internally "and determine this is a central political task, often, long term in the construction of the Party. After more than 2 years of implementing the Central Resolution 4 (the 12th term), there are no cadres and party members in the district Party, showing signs of deterioration in political ideology or manifesting "self-evolutions". , "Self-transformation".
In addition, the Standing Committee of Bac Tan Uyen District Committee has developed and implemented the plan to implement Directive No. 23-CT/TW of the Secretariat (tthe 12th term) on continuing to innovate and improve quality and efficiency, study, research, apply and develop Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought in the new situation. The district has also established a Steering Committee and an assisting section for the Steering Committee to fight and prevent the conspiracy of "peaceful developments" in the field of ideology - culture. In 2018, the Steering Committee has always been active in advising the District Party Standing Committee as well as organizing the implementation of the tasks directed by the 94 Provincial Steering Committee on fighting, refuting the conspiracy and anti-smashing tactics of hostile forces in the field of ideology - culture, contributing to a positive change in the construction of the Party and the political system. The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee has also issued a plan to implement the Project on renewing the propaganda of socio-political education in enterprises in Bac Tan Uyen district in the period of 2018-2020 and the following years. .
Along with the promotion of political and ideological education, the Party committees and Inspection Committees at all levels have strengthened the inspection and supervision under the proposed inspection and supervision program. Contents of inspection and supervision focus on the contents of the Party's resolutions and directives; the performance of assigned responsibilities and tasks; training to preserve the quality and moral lifestyle; the observance of regulations of party members and civil servants is not allowed; leading and directing the implementation of programs and plans to implement resolutions of the Party Congress at all levels; the implementation of working regulations of a number of committees under the District Party Committee and the implementation of learning and following ideological, moral, and Ho Chi Minh style ... Through inspection, supervision, limitations, shortcomings have been promptly rectified to help Party organizations and party members adjust and overcome shortcomings, shortcomings, preserve discipline, contribute to improving the efficiency and quality in the implementation of political tasks of local, unit.
Be near the people, close to the base
In parallel with the construction of the Party, the construction of the government system is also focused on implementation by the Bac Tan Uyen Party Committee. District and commune People's Councils continue to improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, properly and fully perform the duties and powers specified in the Law on Local Government Organization. In particular, the People's Council at all levels of the district has focused on fostering skills, updating knowledge to improve the quality of activities of People's Council deputies, promoting the implementation of resolutions of the People's Council. The People's Council has well implemented the reception of citizens and urged the handling of citizens' complaints and denunciations; interested in organizing a conference to exchange experience in People's Council activities. In 2018, the People's Committees at all levels of Bac Tan Uyen focused on implementing the "Five people public administration" in association with continuing to promote the reform of administrative procedures, promoting the spirit and responsibility to serve people. people of cadres and civil servants, contributing to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of State management; continue to implement the Project of Organizing the Department to receive dossiers and return results according to the one-door and one-stop-shop mechanism at the District People's Committee; review and arrange organizational apparatus towards streamlining, effective and effective operation.
Along with strengthening public relations work in state agencies, the building of the model "Friendly government of the people, by the people and for the people" and the model of "Friendly office for the people to serve" of Bac Tan Uyen has achieved positive results. District People's Committee has conducted a survey of the satisfaction of people and organizations for the service of the State administrative agencies, thereby contributing to a clear change in awareness and actions of officials and public officials. officials and officials in the performance of their duties, building the government to better serve the people.
In 2018, the Fatherland Front and Bac Tan Uyen district member organizations continued to pay attention to propaganda, mobilizing union members, members and people to strictly abide by the Party's guidelines and policies and laws. gorvernment's. The Fatherland Front and the socio-political unions implemented the patriotic emulation movements more effectively, in-depth, and cared for legitimate rights and interests of the delegation. members, members and employees; encouraging and encouraging the spirit of creative labor, promoting grassroots democracy. Many emulation movements of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have brought about practical effects on the areas of social life, playing a role of bridging the people with the Party and the government, contributing to raising High performance of the political system.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hiep added that in 2019, in the work of building the Party, the Party Committee will continue to promote political education ideology for cadres, party members and people; focus on innovating the content and methods of propaganda and education to become more and more effective and suitable for each subject; continue to focus on leading, directing, inspecting and supervising the implementation of the implementation plan of the Central Resolution 4 (term XII) associated with the implementation of the Directive No. 05-CT / TW of the Politburo. seminars in 2019; and at the same time strengthen the struggle to prevent the "peaceful evolution" plots of hostile forces on the fronts; manifestations of "self-evolutions" associated with education of awareness of revolutionary vigilance, enhancing the fighting of grassroots Party and Party members. Authorities at all levels continue to arrange and stabilize the management staff, assign and assign specific tasks so that the government apparatus can operate smoothly, effectively, and further improve the effectiveness of administrative reforms. main. The District Party Committee will also continue to lead and direct the Fatherland Front and mass organizations to continue to innovate the content and operation methods in order to promote their role as the core in building the national unity bloc; well implement social supervision and criticism, implement democratic regulations at the grassroots level.
Reported by Cao Son - Translated by Vi Bao

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