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Bau Bang’s Land Registration Office Branch: "Close to the people, close to the people" for better service

Update: 30-11-2023 | 13:38:41

Since its establishment, Bau Bang district’s Land Registration Office Branch has continuously focused on solutions to improve service quality, aiming at organizations and individuals ‘satisfaction.

Reforming administrative procedures

With the attention and direction of the district’s People's Committee, provincial Land Registration Office and the efforts by all staff of Bau Bang district’s Land Registration Office Branch, the branch has achieved the set goals. The branch has seriously, regularly and continuously implemented tasks on reforming administrative procedure, creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to carry out land procedures, step by step modernizing the public administrative apparatus, maintaining and applying the system of quality management in accordance with the national standard TCVN ISO 9001:2015 in performing tasks. The time for carrying out land-related administrative procedures has been shortened by the branch, improving the quality of processing documents in handling land-related administrative procedures, bringing satisfaction to people.

Staff of Bau Bang district’s Land Registration Office Branch provides people with legal support on issues related to land procedures

2023 is the year heavily affected by the economic recession and frozen real estate market, so the number of applications has decreased compared to the previous years. This has also significantly affected revenue from services at the branch. On the other hand, during the process of handling dossiers that need to get opinions from specialized agencies and ask for opinions from higher authorities, the branch has made maximum efforts, avoiding bringing annoyance to people. After receiving instructions from higher authorities, the branch has promptly resolved documents for people, avoiding people's frustration, leading to petitions, complaints and denunciations.

In 2023, the branch has seriously implemented the "Law Day" as stipulated, deploying 223 central and local legal documents for all civil servants and employees, creating favorable conditions for them to learn, perform tasks and raise awareness in complying with the law. The branch has also disseminated laws on preventing and combating corruption, reforming administrative procedures, practicing thrift and combating wastefulness to all civil servants and workers.

In addition, the branch has well implemented the model of "friendly government of the people, by the people, for the people", "friendly office for the people to serve", in association with the motto of "5 understandings, 3 performances” in administrative reform, bringing friendliness and satisfaction to organizations and individuals when contacting it.

Improving operational quality

Administrative procedures in the land field are difficult and complicated, with many documents and forms. Therefore, the branch regularly disseminates land policies and laws to the people. The branch has arranged its staff to provide legal advice at the department receiving and returning results, guiding people to carry out procedures when encountering difficulties. In addition, the branch has established a legal consulting group consisting of the board of directors, leaders and deputy leaders of the groups to promptly guide and resolve people or agencies and organizations’ difficulties.

Truong Thi Thuy, a resident of Tru Van Tho commune said: "When making procedures for changing land use purpose at the branch, I was guided enthusiastically and thoughtfully by staff at the legal consulting department. Documents are received quickly, which helps people feel secure and satisfied."

In 2023, the branch’s Party Committee and directorate have directed, guided a group registering and granting certificates to coordinate with the Youth Union to advise, propagandize the law, guide and support people in implementing online public services and handling land-related administrative procedures at the district’s Public Administrative Service Center  and Tru Van Tho commune’s department receiving and returning results while installing and guiding people to carry out such procedures as creating accounts and instructions for performing online public services, installing Binh Duong digital app, VNPT Money, VNPT iQMS…

Tran Trong Thanh, Director of the branch said that the branch’s directorate has regularly directed and corrected specialized departments to improve their spirit and professional knowledge to serve the people; continued maintaining and improving the quality and efficiency of the legal consulting department while regularly organizing sessions on legal consultancy to improve people's understanding of land law policies. “From the results achieved in previous years, the branch will strengthen tasks on reforming administrative procedures, actively coordinate with specialized agencies to improve the efficiency of handling documents, with the goal of getting  the late rate of certification granting documents to be below 0.2% and for measurement documents to be below 0.5% in the following years”, Mr. Thanh added.

In 2023, the branch has received 12,084 dossiers on surveying and mapping services, resolved 9,318 dossiers, returned  the results of 2,377 dossiers, and is processing 389 dossiers. 10,811 out of 11,048 dossiers for registration and certification have been resolved, 237 dossiers are being processed…

Reported by Tien Hanh-Quoc Khanh-Translated by Kim Tin

Bau Bang
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