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Be more favorable with the university door

Update: 09-08-2023 | 12:09:27

Up to this time, candidates nationwide have completed the registration, adjusted their university admission aspirations as well as paid the registration fee online. Training institutions are coordinating with relevant units to review data, thereby organizing the enrolment of registered applications. According to the Ministry of Education and Training, no later than August 22, universities will announce university standard scores of 2023 and the results of admission.

Currently, many universities across the country have announced benchmark scores as well as admission methods. Lessons learned from the practice of university enrollment in 2022, this year the Ministry of Education and Training renewed some regulations. In particular, the enrolment methods are concentrated on the same system and for candidates to perform all the admission processes, from the registration of aspirations, fee payment, admission confirmation, all done online.

Recently, at the regular Government press conference in July 2023, leaders of Ministry of Education and Training informed the press about the university enrolment in 2023. Accordingly, this year the Ministry of Education and Training did not adjust the enrolment mechanism, but modified some technical parts to make it more convenient for candidates. It is integrated into the enrolment support system with data for admission, from high school exam results to high school results, academic records, exam data, capability and cognition assessment; early admission results of schools create favorable conditions for candidates to enter universities. At the same time, confirm priority conditions and priority areas based on the data connected to the National Population Database of the Ministry of Public Security.

This is innovation thanks to the application of national digital transformation. Accordingly, candidates no longer have to apply for confirmation of priority conditions in places like before. Besides, in order to help candidates not be confused, the Ministry of Education and Training allows candidates not to choose the method of admission, but only to choose a major and school. In addition, the online application fee payment is done smoothly by banks and online payment channels, creating the most favorable conditions for candidates.

Although there are inadequacies, but compared to many years ago, the enrolment process has become simpler, reducing pressure and cost for the society. The university door is wide open for all students, as enrollment becomes more and more fair, opportunities are more favorable in choosing majors and schools.

Reported by K.Tan - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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