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Becamex IDC social housing project helps develop industry sustainably

Update: 26-10-2011 | 00:00:00

Could you tell about birth of the Becamex IDC social housing project?

Becamex IDC social housing project is a big project that we have a long research. During a long time, the Government has paid attention to laborers’ life and set out policies to facilitate social housing project’s development. The birth of the project is to help laborers excel their jobs in a new working environment. And, the project has an over 10-year roadmap.  

 Becamex IDC social housing project in miniature.

Could you tell more about the 10-year roadmap?

With a modest capital source for local industrial development, the locality faced difficulties in building large infrastructure facilities and social infrastructure facilities. The province realized this status in the early period.

Therefore, the province has set out policies to mobilize economic sectors and people to join in building houses to contribute to local service development. The policies have met initial requirements and helped laborers enjoy accommodations. However, the accommodations have yet to meet high requirements.

I think that the locality should implement re-planning of unprompted lodging house areas to create better accommodations for laborers.

The project will help the province develop economy better especially grow industry sustainably. For Becamex IDC, we have successfully implemented many industrial parks in Binh Duong and some projects in other provinces as well. We think that Becamex IDC has part of responsibility to the society, so we bravely set out the project.

The most important thing is prices of social houses, so what are differences of the Becamex IDC social housing project from other projects?

For the social housing project, many localities of Ha Noi, HCMC and so on have built many social houses for laborers but laborers can not afford to possess the houses, owing to high prices.

Therefore, we have over years studied much the project to ensure best price and quality.

How to take Becamex IDC social houses to right objects?

We have introduced 64,000 apartments for about 168,000 laborers. Laborers with stable jobs in Binh Duong under shortage of accommodation are our objects for the project. We set out various price levels ranging from VND100mil-130mil per apartment. This is a very proper price level in the current period.

As an investor of the project, what are your opinions of the project?

For the project, we select areas with completion of infrastructure facility. However, we also know that VND100mil is a big problem for low-incomers. Therefore we petition that the province should mull over needy laborers’ condition and demand. The locality should offer preferential loans to help low incomers possess social houses.

When will the project be completed?

As planned, we will the project with the total capital of about VND11tril from 2011-2015. If having an advantaged capital source and attention from the State, we will shrink time of construction.

Thanks a lot!

Reported by T.Minh – Translated by A.C  

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