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Being dedicated to managing to surmount obstacles

Update: 19-09-2023 | 10:34:49

25 targets were estimated to reach and surpass the plan. Particularly, industrial manufacture continued maintaining high growth. Trade and services maintained fairly good growth. Rural agriculture gained stable and sustainable development.... All demonstrated the executive responsibility of provincial leaders from the beginning of their term until now. Although there are still some targets that have not met expectations, the above results showed the determination of provincial leaders in managment; the efforts of all-level authorities, sectors, the business community and people in the context of continuously facing difficulties and challenges.

Since the 11th provincial Party Congress, the situation in the country, the region and the world has had many complicated and unpredictable developments, hindering the development of the province. For example, the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic broke out at a rapid pace, spreading widely, severely affecting people's health and lives, pushing back socio-economic development. In the face of this situation, with the help of the Government, provincial leaders united, enhanced their executive responsibility and were determined to help the province overcome the pandemic. Thanks to the drastic direction of provincial leaders, the efforts of the political system and the unanimity of the business community..., the epidemic was gradually prevented, controlled and production and business activities returned to normality soon.

Right after the pandemic, the business community and people in the province continued suffering difficulties from the post-epidemic economic recession and conflicts between major countries in the world. Supply chain disruptions and rising inflation in some major economies pushed prices of input materials plus gasoline with sharp fluctuation. Along with that, limitations of a highly open economy accumulated many years ago continued becoming more evident after the pandemic, posing many problems that must be focused on handling, especially in terms of growth quality. In that context, with high determination and efforts to overcome difficulties, provincial leaders focused on leading, directing, concretizing and organizing the drastic, synchronous and effective implementation of goals, tasks of the Resolution of the 11th provincial Party Congress and the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

The limitations of the economy were revealed after the pandemic and demonstrated through difficulties from the world’s economic recession. If wanting to solve them, we must focus on many synchronous solutions. Being fully aware of this, provincial leaders not only led and directed the implementation of policies and measures to continue socio-economic development, but also focused on directing investment in key projects, especially traffic ones to create new development space and connect the region. Along with that, leaders of all-level authorities and sectors focused on implementing solutions for socio-cultural development, ensuring social welfare, taking care of and improving people's lives; strengthened the maintenance of political security, social order and safety...

Overcoming difficulties in the context of continuously facing difficulties and challenges showed the bravery, dedication of provincial leaders. Together with the consensus of the people, this has created a synergy, helping Binh Duong overcome all the rapids on the way of development.

Reported by Le Quang-Translated by Kim Tin

25 targets
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