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Ben Cat City disseminates legal documents on food safety

Update: 14-05-2024 | 11:47:55

On May 13, the Provincial Office of Food Safety and Hygiene coordinated with People's Committee of Ben Cat City to organize training on legal documents on food safety in 2024. Participants of the training were members of the Food Safety Steering Committee, members of the interdisciplinary inspection team of the city, wards and communes.

At the training session, the presenters disseminated some issues of the Food Safety Law and the Government's decree on amending and supplementing a number of regulations related to business investment conditions under state management of the Ministry of Health; Decree on sanctioning administrative violations of food safety; Circular amending, supplementing and abolishing a number of legal documents on food safety; Some forms applied in inspection activities.

The training aims to improve food safety knowledge for members of the Steering Committee from cities to communes and wards, contributing to ensuring food safety, protecting and providing better health care for the people.

Reported by T.Dung, T.Nguyet - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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