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Ben Cat district’s People’s Council opens its 9th session

Update: 25-12-2013 | 00:00:00

The 10th Ben Cat district’s People’s Council for the 2011 and 2016 tenure, on December 24, held its 9th session to review the result of implementation of the local People’s Council’s resolutions on socio-economic development, national defense and security in 2013.

At the session, the district’s People’s Committee gave a report on the result of socio-economic development, national defense and security in 2013. Accordingly, the district’s total production value reached more than VND58.48trillion, up 17% compared to the corresponding period of 2012. Of these, industrial production value grew by 14.54%, trade-services by 55.18%, agricultural production by 1.92%. The average income per capita was estimated at VND40.2mln. Total State budget collection secured VND810.6bln, up 11%. As of late 2013, the total number of the district’s poor households was 349, down by 112 compared to early year. The district also saw a positive change in the fields of public healthcare and education-training; maintained the local social order an political safety.

For 2014’s targets, the district’s People’s Committee will focus on removing difficulties, accelerating growth at a reasonable level. The district will strive to get a 18.15% growth; reach VND45.3mln in average income per capita; achieve VND874.6bln in total State budget collection; generate jobs for around 7,000 or 8,000 laborers; reduce the rate of poor household to below 1% of total…

Reported by Tam Binh-Translated by K.T

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