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Ben Cat recognized as a locality fulfilling new-style rural construction

Update: 26-04-2019 | 12:28:58

Early April 25, Ben Cat town’s Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee and Fatherland Front Committee grandly held a get-together to mark the 44th anniversary of the liberation of the South and national reunification (April 30, 1975-April 30, 2019), the 5th anniversary of establishment of the town and announce a decision recognizing the town as a locality fulfilling the new-style rural construction program in 2018.

Nguyen Minh Triet (third left), former State President and provincial leaders hand over a decision of the Government’s Prime Minister recognizing Ben Cat town as a locality fulfilling its new-style rural construction program to leaders of the town

The event was attended by Nguyen Minh Triet, former State President; Tran Van Nam, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation; Nguyen Minh Thy, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Organization Commission; Nguyen Van Hung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, CEO of Becamex IDC; former leaders of districts, towns, TDM city and the province over periods; heroic Vietnamese mothers, Heroes of the People's Armed Forces…


At the ceremony, delegates reviewed the glorious tradition of Vietnamese army and people in the cause of struggling for national liberation and reunification in which there was the great sacrifice of Ben Cat town’s cadres, soldiers and people. After 44 years of national liberation, the town’s army and people have tried their utmost to make socio-economic development with considerable results. The lives of locals have been improved unceasingly. The town has also reached strides in terms of culture, education and healthcare; maintained the local political security, social order and safety; strengthened foreign affairs, contributing to the local socio-economic development.

The town was also recognized as a locality fulfilling the new-style rural construction program in 2018. After 7 years of implementing the program, the town’s traffic infrastructure system in 3 new-style rural communes has been upgraded, ensuring locals’ demand for traveling. There are now 100% of communal-level roads to the center of the town covered by asphalt or concrete with a total length of 66.3 km…

On this occasion, the town’s Party Committee awarded the 30 to 70-year Party membership insignias to 41 Party members. Tan Dinh primary school was awarded the second-class Labor Medal of the State President for its excellent performance from 2013-2014 to 2017-2018 academic years. Nguyen Ngoc Van, Principal of Tran Quoc Tuan primary school received the certificate of merit of the Government’s Prime Minister for her excellent performance in the cause of education and training. The town presented the certificates of merit to 26 individuals, 1 collective for their achievements in the new-style rural construction program.

Reported by Phuong Anh-Translated by K.T

Ben Cat
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