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Ben Cat’s economy reaches stable development

Update: 26-12-2019 | 11:43:06

With the efforts by the whole political system and people, Ben Cat town’s socio-economic situation in 2019 continued obtaining stable development. Noticeably, the town’s economic structure was shifted in the right direction of the Resolution of the local Party Committee for the 2015-2020 tenure with 72.2% in industrial manufacture and 22.4% in agricultural production. The average income of the local people was VND126.6million.

High growth maintained

Over the past time, Ben Cat town’s fast urbanization, industrialization and modernization speed contributed to absorbing more investors. This helped the local industrial manufacture reach strong development. The town also well realized administrative reform, facilitating investors’ development.

Dao Ngoc Huy, Director of Bibica Mien Dong, a wholly domestic company specialized in making various candies and cakes in the My Phuoc 1 industrial park said that since its inception of 2007, the factory has worked very effectively with the annual income of VND400billion. The company decided to select Ben Cat for investment as the town has well-built infrastructure facilities along with preferential policies on tax, simple administrative procedures…

According to leaders of the town, the local socio-economic situation in 2019 continued obtaining positive changes with the economic growth of 23.5%. The town’s FDI attraction was 1.5 times higher than that of 2018. The town further perfected, improved criteria of the new-style rural construction program and carried out criteria of the second-class city; paid more attention to healthcare, education, social welfare…

To achieve the above results, the town focused on redressing shortcomings pertaining to administrative reform, especially in the field of land and construction. The town also strengthened specialized departments, divisions; dealt with illegal residential areas; attached special importance to training cadres; improved working lifestyle…

As of now, the town has basically fulfilled almost all targets of the Resolution of 2019 and the Resolution of the local Party congress for the 2015-2020 tenure.

Continuing effectively taking solutions

Bui Duy Hien, Secretary of Ben Cat town’s Party Committee said that the town will implement major solutions in 2019, including further focusing on basic construction and investment.

In terms of planning work, the town will also take solutions in order to ensure synchronism and suitability to the local overall planning. The town will tighten control over land, urban and construction order…; enhance the quality of management in State budget collection-spending

The town will also continue boosting administrative reform, thereby contributing to improving the local investment climate in order to lure more investors.

In 2020, the town will strive to reach more than VND168.2trillion in total production value, up 20% compared to 2019. Of these, industrial production value will be more than VND126.93trillion; services, more than VND40.7trillion; agriculture, VND574billion. In terms of the local economic structure, industrial manufacture will occupy 75.5%; services, 24.2% and agriculture, 0.3%. The average income of the local people will be more than VND2.28trillion…

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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