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Ben Cat, TDM further reach stable socio-ecomomic development

Update: 19-12-2019 | 15:21:43

On December 18, the 11th Ben Cat town’s People’s Council for the 2016-2021 tenure held its 9th session, in attendance of Nguyen Minh Thuy, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Organization Commission; Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee.

Reportedly, the town’s socio-economic situation continued gaining stable development with the economic growth of 23.5% and total State budget revenue reaching nearly VND2.4trillion. The town also attached special importance to fields of education, healthcare, science-technology, culture-sports…; continued maintaining the local political security, social safety and order… At the session, delegates mentioned some issues on illegal residential areas, crime prevention, traffic safety…

The session also dismissed the title of the town’s People’s Committee Chairman for Bui Duy Hien. Nguyen Trong An was elected as Chairman of the town’s People’s Committee for the 2016-2021 tenure.

*On the morning of the same day, the 11th TDM city’s People’s Council for the 2016-2019 tenure opened its 13th session.

The city’s total retail sales revenue of commodities and services was estimated at VND158trillion, up 28.01% compared to the same period last year. The city’s consumption price index surged 2.09% against the corresponding period while industrial production value was nearly VND36trillion, up 27.18% against the same period with national defence-security maintained…

The session included 3 question-answer groups on the issues of urban management, land use and management, environmental hygiene, administrative reform while approving 6 resolutions on plans organizing periodic sessions of the city’s People’s Council in 2020, socio-economic development for 2020, State budget estimates for 2020, public investment plan for 2020…

Reported by Phuong Anh-Nhu Phuong-Translated by K.T

Ben Cat
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