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Ben Cat, TDM’s Party Committees and provincial Club for the Retired mark the CPV’s 88th anniversary

Update: 05-02-2018 | 18:05:13

Early February 3, Ben Cat town, TDM city’s Party Committees and provincial Club for the Retired held get-togethers to mark the 88th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) (February 2, 1930-February 2, 2018).

Nguyen Minh Triet, former State President and Bui Duy Hien, Secretary of Ben Cat town’s Party Committee award the “heroic Vietnamese mother” title to mothers

Attending the get-together in Ben Cat town were Nguyen Minh Triet, former State President; Nguyen Minh Thuy, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Organization; Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee; Nguyen Van Hung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, General Director of Becamex IDC…

At the get-together, delegates reviewed the glorious development process of the CPV during the 88 past years. Continuing upholding this, under the leadership of the local Party together with consensus, support from people from all strata and enterprises, Ben Cat town last year reached a 23.5% economic growth. The local targets on investment attraction, State collection, and average income per capita…reached growth compared to 2016 and surpassed the set plans.

The district’s Party building continued gaining important results. The district’s Party Committee reached vigorous development in both quality and quantity. The district’s implementation of studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, lifestyle in association with the Resolution of the 4th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee on building and strengthening the Party, stopping and curbing degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle along with the signs of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” within the Party.

On this occasion, 17 mothers were posthumously bestowed the “heroic Vietnamese mother” title. 63 Party members were awarded the 30, 60-year Party membership insignias. Mr.Dung awarded the certificate of merit and the third-class Labor Medal to 2 individuals for their excellent achievements in the local propaganda work and cause of education.

*Early February 3, TDM city’s Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee and Fatherland Front Committee held a get-together to celebrate the 88th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930-February 3, 2018) and the 50th anniversary of the Mau Than General Offensive and Uprising in Spring 1968. Attending the event were Tran Thanh Liem, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee together with leaders of TDM city; heroic Vietnamese mothers; revolutionary veterans, former leaders of the province and the city over periods.

At the get-together, delegates reviewed the heroic tradition of Vietnamese people in the struggle against foreign invaders; the history and development of the CPV during the 88 past years…

On this occasion, delegates were also briefly informed of the local results of Party building, socio-economic development over the past time.

So far, the city has had 7 industrial parks, 7 universities and a synchronous traffic system with regional connectivity. The city’s annual State budget collection has reached more than VND9.25trillion. In 2017 alone, the city’s economy continued achieving stability with growth of 27.9%. The spiritual and material lives of the local people were improved. The city also paid more attention to education, healthcare, social welfare...; got positive changes in terms of administrative reform…

On this occasion, 6 mothers were posthumously awarded the “heroic Vietnamese mother” title; 40 Party members were awarded the 70, 60, 55, 45 and 30-year Party membership insignias.

*Early February 3, provincial Club for the Retired organized a get-together to mark the 88th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930-February 3, 2018) and celebrate the Lunar New Year 2018, in attendance of Le Huu Phuoc, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Propaganda and Education; Tran Thanh Liem, Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee.

At the get-together, member of provincial Club for the Retired reviewed the glorious tradition of the Communist Party of Vietnam during the past 88 years. In the current period, the province has upheld all resources, created consensus among people in order to develop into a locality with industrial development in the southern key economic zone. The quality of people’s life has continued being improved. The district’s political security, social order-safety were maintained. The district also continued strengthening the great national unity bloc…

In 2018, provincial Club for the Retired has continued promoting the Politburo’s Directive No.05-CT/TW on building working manners of leaders, officials, Party members in studying and following late President’s ideology, morality and lifestyle” while strengthening activities caring for the spiritual and material lives of members…

Addressing the get-together, Mr.Phuoc praised the club for its achievements done over the past time, contributing to the local common development while wanting that members of the club will continue making more contributions to building a strong Party organization and a more prosperous, civilized-modern Binh Duong.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Phuong Le-Thu Thao-Translated by K.T








Ben Cat
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