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Ben Cat Town brings health care to people and businesses

Update: 02-11-2021 | 11:11:10

As a locality with a high number of F0 cases in recent days, Ben Cat continues to synchronously implement solutions to narrow places where new outbreaks appeared, bringing healthcare to people and businesses to promptly handle the disease as well as guide and treat Covid-19 patients.

Rapid control and handling of infection sources

Nguyen Trong An, Chairman of People's Committee, Deputy Head of Covid-19 Steering Committee of Ben Cat Town, said that in recent days, the Covid-19 in the area had been stabilized and is being well controlled. Some F0 cases detected in localities are the result of weekly tests. Mobile medical stations in industrial zones have collaborated with local administrations to narrow lodging rooms and areas of F0s to handle timely.

Ben Cat Town accelerates the process to bring healthcare to people and businesses and effectively treat F0s.

"Most F0s have been vaccinated against Covid-19, thus they had no or mild symptoms. F0 cases were all in enterprises that had registered for "three-green", hence it was easy to identify the source of transmission through contact tracing; thereby helping the local health authority quickly carried out zoning in order for mobile health care to visit, examine and handle infected cases. When there are F0s having suspected symptoms, the local administration will organize isolation and treatment for them," An said.

According to An, Ben Cat has about 355,000 people, of which about 65% of the population is migrant people from other provinces and cities. Most of F0 cases concentrated in key areas that gather many workers and residents, such as My Phuoc ward, Thoi Hoa ward... Therefore, with the motto of bringing healthcare to the people, quickly handling the pandemic-hit points in the area, the town is consolidating human resources to effectively utilize the grassroots health force with on-site human resources. Specifically, the town established 11 mobile medical stations, of which 8 commune-level stations, 3 stations in industrial parks belonging to Protrade, Rach Bap, and Viet Huong 2 industrial parks.

Ben Cat is continuing to promote the role and activities of 2,144 Covid Community Teams with 6,716 members. At lodging houses for workers, there are 1,560 teams with more than 5,000 members; households have 584 teams with 1,713 members. Currently, in the town, the establishment of these teams reaches 94.78% of the target. In particular, My Phuoc ward, Hoa Loi ward have exceeded and completed the targets of 131% and 100%, respectively; Phu An, An Dien, An Tay and Phu Hoa wards reached over 90%; Thoi Hoa ward reached 80.9%, and Tan Dinh ward 66%. In addition, the town provided sampling trainings for 1,125 people from 369 town-wide sampling teams. This work had the active participation of 77 enterprises with the establishment of 90 volunteer teams to take samples for the workforce at the factories.

To apply technology to control the pandemic

To adapt safely, flexibly, effectively control the Covid-19, Ben Cat removed inter-hamlet checkpoints and instead strengthened the patrol and mobile control. Up to now, the town has organized more than 3,600 patrols, made nearly 6,000 records of administrative violations and issued decisions to sanction more than 2,600 violations of regulations on Covid-19 prevention control with a total fine of over VND 5.3 billion, and reminded nearly 20,000 other cases. In order for workers to safely stay in the town during the social distancing period, the town made timely payment of relief regimes, ensured social security. Up to now, Ben Cat has allocated more than VND 623 billion, of which more than VND 110 billion has been spent on disease prevention and control and more than VND 512 billion for social security work.

Nguyen Trong An said that returning to "new normal", adapting safely, flexibly and effectively controlling the Covid-19, after easing the social distancing, the town continued to organize and disseminate IT applications for Covid-19 prevention control, for example, health declaration mobile applications, such as NCovi, PC-Covid that have been installed and used by more than 50% of the population. In addition, the town seriously directed the management of entry and exit through Qr Code scanning at agencies, units, localities, production, business, trade and service establishments in the area. Specifically, the town has more than 17,000 QR scanning sites, the Covid-19 map has been added and updated for self-governing people's groups in 44 quarters, hamlets with 610 self-governing people's groups to serve the leadership and direction of the Party, government, and safe production, business and commuting of people and companies.

"Based on pilot results of home isolation management of more than 40 F0s and F1s through the VHD application (the official online health declaration application of the National Covid-19 Steering Committee), the town is continuing to strengthen the F0 and F1 home-isolated management application through a technology platform that supports medical isolation monitoring in the "new normal" phase. It is expected that eligible F0s and F1s will be mainly quarantined at home instead of centralized isolation measures," An said.

Reported by Minh Duy – Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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