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Ben Cat town takes good care of revolution contributors

Update: 26-07-2023 | 11:42:14

In these July days, localities in Ben Cat town have been organizing many commemorative activities with deep affection and gratitude towards policy families and people with meritorious services to the revolution. By practical actions, Ben Cat Town has well implemented policies to support revolution contributors in terms of both material and mental lives.

Leaders of Ben Cat Town visit and give gifts to policy families and residents in the town on July 27.

July of gratitude

On occasion of the 76th Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2023), along with the whole province, people of Ben Cat Town respectfully remember and pay tribute to martyrs and their families, revolution contributors by practical and charitable works. For example, Military Command of Thoi Hoa Ward coordinated with Women's Union, Veterans' Association, and Youth Union of the ward to organize "Grateful meals” to pay tribute to revolution contributors in the ward with specific activities, such as: free haircuts, visits, house cleaning for families with children who are active soldiers, cooking for revolution contributors’ families... Along with that, in communes and wards of Ben Cat town, many practical and meaningful gratitude activities have also been carried out.

In order to continue promoting the gratitude movement, mobilizing resources in the society, contributing to well implementing guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on preferential treatment for public servants, People's Committee of Ben Cat Town issued a plan to organize activities celebrating the 76th Invalids and Martyrs' Day in order to pay tribute to the great merits of heroic martyrs and revolution contributors. Accordingly, the town's People's Committee directed Town Center for Culture, Sports and Radio to coordinate with departments and communes, wards to organize various propagation in various forms, such as: banners, panels, posters... about policies and regulations of the Party and State for policy families, revolution contributors.

Besides, units and localities also introduced examples of invalids and sick soldiers, typical policy families overcoming difficulties and rising up in life; individuals and collectives who do well in gratitude work; visited and burned incense to pay tribute to heroic martyrs at the town's Martyrs Cemetery; raised Gratitude Fund; made visits, gave 120 gifts, each gift worth 3 million VND to family of revolution contributors having difficult circumstances, frequent illness or disease...

Attention and timely care

Joy and excitement are the feelings of Nguyen Van Cuong, a revolution contributor in Phu An commune, when he receives the attention and encouragement of local Party Committee and authorities. Mr. Cuong said: “Every year, on Invalids and Martyrs' Day or big holidays, the local authorities come to my house to encourage and give me gifts. This makes my family feel very heart-warmed. The love and care that people give us is so precious.”

Apart from Mr. Cuong, policy beneficiaries in Ben Cat town always receive attention and care from Party committees and authorities at all levels. In addition to the correct, sufficient and timely implementation of regimes and policies, all levels of Party committees, authorities and socio-political organizations in Ben Cat town have closely taken care of wounded and sick soldiers, policy families, and revolution contributors.

In recent years, Party committees and authorities of Ben Cat Town have promoted the gratitude movement, mobilized the entire population to participate in developing gratitude fund, creating a resource to support house upgrade, improve the life of policy beneficiaries. The town also focuses on educating the young generation to be grateful and proud of the national tradition of heroic struggle for the national construction and defense. In addition, the town always encourages, motivates and creates favorable conditions for revolution contributors and policy families to join local social activities, develop family economy...

Tran Thi Thao, Vice Chairwoman of People's Committee of Ben Cat Town, said that the town has been actively improving propagation, promoting the synergy of the whole society, actively contribute and take care of the material and mental lives of policy beneficiaries. The town also creates favorable conditions for policy beneficiaries to enjoy incentives in health care, housing construction, preferential loan, helping policy households improve their lives; ensure that revolution contributors in the area have a living standard equal to or higher than the average living standard of people in the same locality where they reside. Up to now, policy beneficiaries in the town have fully enjoyed regimes and policies according to the guidelines of the Party and the State.

Responding to the concern of the Party and State, the timely support of the locality, over the years, policy families in Ben Cat town have made efforts to overcome difficulties and ceaselessly strive to achieve many outstanding results in labor and life, contributing to building Ben Cat's hometown.

In recent years, Party committees and authorities of Ben Cat Town have promoted the gratitude movement, mobilized the entire population to participate in developing gratitude fund, creating a resource to support house upgrade, improve the life of policy beneficiaries. The town also focuses on educating the young generation to be grateful and proud of the national tradition of heroic struggle for the national construction and defense. In addition, the town always encourages, motivates and creates favorable conditions for revolution contributors and policy families to join local social activities, develop family economy...

Reported by H.Phuong, H.Tan – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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