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Bet Cat district’s Youth Union motivates the Volunteer Youth Year 2014

Update: 17-03-2014 | 00:00:00

Ben Cat district’s Youth Union held a ceremony to launch the Volunteer Youth Year 2014 on the morning of March 16 with the participation of nearly 400 Youth Union members.

At the ceremony, there was a show-case for 11 volunteer youth squads, including those of environmental protection, new rural construction, law dissemination…With the motto of “Each Youth Union has a practical act, each Youth Union branch has a practical work to build new rural areas”, the district’s Youth Union will further launch patriotic movements, upholding the volunteer spirit of the local youth in new rural construction by such concrete activities as upgrading rural roads, dredging canals…

After the launching ceremony, the local Youth Union members got involved in eradicating illegal advertising boards, making environmental hygiene, collecting waste along National Highway No.13 from So Sao crossroads to Tham Rot bridge in Binh Phuoc province and main streets in My Phuoc township.

Reported by Tam Binh-Translated by K.T

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