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Binh Duong Ceramics Society –bridge between businesses and clients

Update: 05-08-2013 | 00:00:00

Founded in 2010, BICERA has so far had 52 members. Over the past years, BICERA has reached many achievements of establishing website to create a bridge between enterprises and clients and material suppliers, cooperating with functional agencies to successfully hold Vietnam-Binh Duong Ceramics Festival, holding trade promotions to help ceramics enterprises approach to Central and local assistance funds and many more.

At the congress, BICERA’s members selected the 7-member executive board for the second term (2013-2018). Accordingly, Ly Ngoc Minh, general director of Minh Long I Co.Ltd. holds the position of chairman of BICERA and Nguyen Tien Thanh as vice standing chairman.

Reported by B.Minh, T.Binh – Translated by A.C

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