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Binh Duong expected to reach strong and sustainable development

Update: 25-09-2024 | 12:54:09

Yesterday morning (September 24), the Central Theoretical Council and provincial Party Committee jointly held a meeting to sum up a project on provincial development model in the national “Đổi mới” (renewal) cause, with a vision to 2050 and provided guidance on the construction of documents for the 12th provincial Party Congress for the 2025-2030 tenure. At the conference, experts and scientists shared their impressions on the province's breakthrough development model over nearly 40 years of national renewal and also expressed their expectations that Binh Duong will continue reaching strong and sustainable development in the future.

Breakthrough from creative and unique ways

The joint program between the Central Theoretical Council and Binh Duong provincial Party Committee to implement a project on provincial development model in the national “Đổi mới” (renewal) cause, with a vision to 2050 signed in late April 2022. After more than two years of meticulous and serious research with high quality, the project has achieved the set goals and tasks and has been officially accepted.

The Central Theoretical Council and provincial Party Committee organize a conference to sum up a project on “provincial development model in the national renewal process with a vision to 2050

Prof. Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan, former member of the Party Central Committee and Permanent Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council stated that the research results of the project show that after nearly 40 years of renewal, along with the country's remarkable development, Binh Duong has become a pioneering locality with right choices and approaches to become one of the country’s most successful provinces in terms of opening up, attracting investment and promoting economic development. Today, Binh Duong is an industrialized province with a high average income. Not only being excelled at economic development, Binh Duong has also achieved significant results in cultural and social sectors, human development, environmental protection, national defense and security, maintaining social order and safety, building the Party and political system... “The success of Binh Duong stems from its creative and unique ways, with the key factor being the strong collaboration between the local authorities at all level and businesses”, Prof. Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan emphasized.

In the report on the implementation and acceptance of the project, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, Head of the Economic Subcommittee of the Central Theoretical Council and Deputy Director of the project stated that Binh Duong's development model is a successful combination of leveraging and carefully utilizing rare advantages, transforming disadvantages into advantages, with a sound development strategy to make breakthroughs and progress. It combines the aspiration to conquer new heights of development with foresight and spirit of continuous innovation and creativity. It also merges the Government's policies, paving the way and creating favorable mechanisms, with the local authorities’ flexible and creative implementation. Additionally, it integrates the cooperation and shared efforts of the local authorities, businesses and people, closely linking economic growth objectives with ensuring social welfare, human development, and environmental protection during the process of accelerated industrialization, modernization and urbanization…The main pillars of Binh Duong's development model are: “Constructive government - People as partners - Enterprises taking action...".

The key factors that have contributed to the success of Binh Duong province's development model in the national renewal process are breakthroughs and creativity in development thinking; comprehensive and synchronous breakthroughs in development planning; modernity in infrastructure systems; pioneering breakthroughs in institutional and administrative reforms to attract investment resources...

Towards green and sustainable development

At the conference, delegates further clarified reasons, methods and correct choices that have enabled Binh Duong province to achieve outstanding results over nearly 40 years of national renewal, especially during 27 years of development. Additionally, discussions mentioned difficulties, challenges and opportunities in the upcoming period and proposed long-term ideas for Binh Duong to create strategic development breakthroughs in the next period.

According to the delegates, in the context of a rapidly changing and unpredictable world, many new factors have emerged, posing significant challenges. Additionally, Binh Duong still faces many shortcomings such as the lack of strong financial resources, overloaded technical and social infrastructure, the shortage of high-quality human resources. The province’s industrially developed economy is not matched by adequate development in the service and trade sectors within the economic structure

Recognizing difficulties and opportunities, Binh Duong needs to adopt appropriate policies and resolutely strive for sustainable development towards becoming a smart, civilized, and modern city. By 2030, it aims at becoming a center of modern industry and services, with urban development under a green growth model, adaptable to climate change, with strong national defense and security, international cooperation and competition. It will be a dynamic development hub and a key growth pole of the Southeastern region and the country. By 2050, Binh Duong will become a fully smart province with a green and sustainable economy, a stable and harmonious society, deep and effective integration while strengthening a robust defense and security system to support development and a government system that serves the people in the Southeast region and the entire country…

Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee and Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation stated: "The research results of the project and provincial Planning for the period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, are scientific and intellectual products and serve as a theoretical foundation for the province to set up documents for the 12th provincial Party Congress for the 2025-2030 tenure. Additionally, rich practical experience will help Binh Duong continue developing its model, responsibly contributing to the supplementation and perfection of development theory, overcoming obstacles in thinking, perception, and viewpoints to establish a new model that creates a stronger foundation for development in the coming period...
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuen Thang, Politburo Member, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, and Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics stated: "Binh Duong has skillfully leveraged its advantages, seized opportunities, and caught up with development trends to position itself in the common development. From these results, Binh Duong will be able to draw lessons and map out new directions, not only becoming a centrally run city by 2030, but also becoming a leading center for innovation, driving dynamic development for the province, the Southeastern region, the entire country...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

binh duong
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