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Binh Duong has 2 young people winning the "Youth living beautifully" award

Update: 16-09-2023 | 10:38:01

The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Youth Federation has just issued an official dispatch announcing the results of selecting the 2023 "Youth Living Beautifully" award.

Accordingly, Binh Duong has 2 individuals winning the award. They are among the 20 examples of "Youth living beautifully" nationwide.

In 2023, the Central Office of the Vietnam Youth Federation received 228 dossiers. Through appraisal and evaluation of the dossiers, the Council selected 20 individuals with typical and outstanding achievements for the award. Among them, Binh Duong has two individuals, namely Truong Chan Sang, Chairman of provincial English Club for the Community and Le Anh Tuan, a Youth Union member in Thu Dau Mot city, who gives emergency support free of charge.

Reported by N.Y-Translated by Kim Tin

Binh Duong
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