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Binh Duong mobilizes many resources on digital transformation

Update: 05-10-2023 | 12:29:02

Realizing the goal of the "National digital transformation program until 2025, orientation to 2030" under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 749/QD-TTg, Binh Duong has mobilized many resources on digital transformation, gradually building up a digital government, digital economy and digital society for socio-economic development while better serving people’s lives and enterprises ‘production.

Efforts in digital transformation

With a vision to 2030, Vietnam will become a digital, stable and prosperous country, pioneering in testing new technologies and models; fundamentally and comprehensively innovating the Government's management and administration activities, enterprises’ production and business activities, people's living and working methods, developing a safe, humane, and widespread digital environment of the Government, Binh Duong has mobilized many resources towards these goals.

Nguyen Xuan Thang (fifth left), Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council and provincial leaders perform the ritual to announce Binh Duong province’s intelligent operations center (IOC) and provincial Party Committee’s e- portal

Binh Duong is now home to 65,000 enterprises, including over 45,000 in use of digital platforms and there are more than 1,300 enterprises with more than 55,720 employees providing and trading in electricity - electronics, information technology and digital technology. With many investment resources for digital transformation, the province achieved encouraging results in the ranking of the Public Administration Reform Index (Par Index) in 2022, ranking 35th among 63 provinces and cities nationwide. Regarding provincial-level Digital Transformation Index (DTI), Binh Duong ranked 19th among 63 provinces and cities nationwide, up 3 places compared to 2021. Binh Duong's "digital awareness" index was in the group of the country’s top 10 provinces and cities. In 2022, the province spent VND 30billion on digital transformation and it is expected that by the end of 2023, VND 50 billion will be spent on this work.

Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee have paid close attention and direction in the implementation of digital transformation in all sectors and fields to create a pervasive influence in all activities of social life and have initially created fundamental changes in the activities of the local government, people and enterprises. Particularly, the province has established a steering committee for administrative reform, digital transformation and a project to develop application of population data, identification and electronic authentication in the province. All agencies, units, and localities from provinces to communes have established steering committees headed by their leaders. There have been 19 agencies and units registering CDS contents on digital transformation in 2023...

Along with advantages, the province's digital transformation has still faced certain difficulties. For example, developing telecommunications infrastructure is facing difficulties, due to planning problems regarding the purpose of using post and telecommunications land in residential areas. The province is strongly developing camera systems for smart cities, but there are no standards, norms and guidelines, so it is very difficult and confusing in investment, procurement and connection of systems. The digital transformation in the field of agriculture and smart agriculture is being implemented slowly, due to the lack of models and instructions. In addition, the province is facing difficulties in connecting data with information systems deployed by ministries and sectors...

Removing obstacles in digital transformation

At a recent working session with the Ministry of Information and Communications, Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation said that Binh Duong is determined to mobilize many resources on digital transformation. The province has constantly mobilized resources and prepared many conditions to continue investing in the three pillars of digital community, including: digital government, digital economy and digital society.

The delegation of Binh Duong province visits the Digital Museum of the Ministry of Information and Communications

Specifically, Binh Duong is implementing an investment policy in the local Traffic and Security Control Center. The province hopes that in the coming time, the Ministry of Information and Communications will support the province, give opinions and appraisals on investment technology to achieve the highest efficiency. In addition, Binh Duong is interested in investing in 5G network for the local Administrative Center, where 2,000 officials and employees work, facilitating their task of handling administrative procedures for people and businesses. The province hopes that the Ministry of Information and Communications will guide the province to continue perfecting criteria for improving the local public policy evaluation indexes to achieve comprehensive results in digital transformation in the coming time.

Sharing with Binh Duong province’s delegation, Nguyen Manh Hung, Minister of Information and Communications said that no later than October 20, the Ministry of Information and Communications will issue instructions for the local digital transformation. There are about 50 - 60 tasks for guidance of the local digital transformation, of which about 60% - 70% of the tasks do not have to be done by the province, but are done from the Government and enterprises. Localities only have to do about 30% of the work. This can be considered a "handbook" for localities, including Binh Duong province, to know what to do, how to do it and when to fulfill it, so that they can be more proactive in digital transformation.

“The assessment of DTI and digital transformation scores needs to be reviewed accordingly. As the 3rd locality in the country in terms of economic development, if there is no correct assessment, close to the situation, it will affect the province's investment attraction opportunities...", Minister Nguyen Manh Hung expressed his views at the meeting with leaders of Binh Duong province. He requested relevant agencies and units to consider and review the assessment of DTI scores accordingly in the coming time.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung acknowledged Binh Duong's opinions, recommendations and suggestions on supporting resources to promote digital transformation for enterprises. The Ministry will also facilitate the appraisal of the planning of a centralized information technology park in the planning of Binh Duong province, supporting orientations for the smart village model. The Ministry will consider and guide the issuance of technical criteria on camera systems for smart cities; support Becamex IDC to set up documents and complete digital platforms for smart industrial park; give policy support and guidance for telecommunications network infrastructure development, especially in licensing BTS stations. The Ministry will also support resources to improve information security capacity and support resources for training on digital technology for workers at least 1 hour/week, which is for about 1.2 million workers in industrial parks as required in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 749/QD-TTg.

Reported by Minh Duy-Translated by Kim Tin

Binh Duong
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