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Binh Duong Newspaper branch of Binh Duong Journalist Association opens its 7th congress

Update: 13-12-2013 | 00:00:00

The Binh Duong Newspaper branch of Binh Duong Journalist Association yesterday held its 7th congress for the 2013 and 2015 tenure.

The branch now has 45 members. In the last tenure, the branch always attached special importance to political education, especially mobilized members to regularly study and follow late President Ho Chi Minh’s exemplary morals; opportunely reflected current affairs, acted as a bridge between the local Party, government and people…Nearly 20 members attended an intermediate political-administrative class. More than 20 author groups belonging to the branch won prizes from the branch, Binh Duong Journalist Association and Vietnam Journalist Association. Noticeably, the “Ky vat tu long dat” work of member Mai Thanh Phong won the B-Class Prize at the 2012 National Press Contest.

Participating delegates gave supplementary ideas to orientations and tasks for the 2013 and 2015 tenure under the goal of solidarity, innovation and creation for the branch’s development and members’ rights and interests.

The congress also elected a new secretariat with 3 members. Huynh Minh Dan, Head of Binh Duong Online Newspaper was nominated as Head of the Secretariat of the Binh Duong Newspaper branch of Binh Duong Journalist Association for the 2013 and 2015 tenure.

Reported by H.Van-M.Duy-Translated by K.T

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