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Binh Duong propagation and education branch “goes ahead to pave the way, goes together to implement, follows to summarize”

Update: 01-08-2023 | 11:12:19

With its role to "go ahead to pave the way, go together to implement, follow to summarize", propagation and education branch of Binh Duong has been making efforts, proactively, implementing creative methods, strengthening predictability, and contributing to the stability of politics, creating a premise for Binh Duong’s development.

A historical mission

93 years ago, on August 1, 1930, Promotion and Propaganda Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) published a document titled "International Red Day August 1" on occasion of the International Day of fight against the imperialist wars, defend peace, defend the Soviet Union, support the national liberation movement, call on soldiers to unite with the people. This is the earliest document that has been preserved until now and was “published by the Promotion and Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of Vietnam". This document, when it was just released, caused great public opinion in contemporary society and gave great encouragement to the public - workers and peasants in our country to stand up and fight against the imperialists, defend the Soviet Union, and supported the national liberation movement. From August 1, 1930, there were hundreds of people's rallies and demonstrations throughout the country.

Since its inception, the CPV has paid great attention to ideological work, propagation work, and soon established a leadership agency for ideological work. On the basis of these documents and events, in 2000, the Politburo of the 8th Party Central Committee decided to make August 1 every year as the traditional day of the Party's ideological and cultural work. In 2007, after the Central Committee for Ideology and Culture and the Central Committee for Science and Education merged to form the Central Committee for Propagation and Education, the Secretariat of the 10th Party Central Committee decided to make August 1 every year the traditional day of the Party's ideological and cultural work.

In recent years, Binh Duong province's propagation and education sector has focused on improving the quality of reporters and propagandists at all levels. In photo:  Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee holds a contest for excellent propaganda officers in 2022

Proactive, innovative, creative

Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee, said that in that historical flow, the province's propagation and education branch has been constantly developing; continuously strongly innovating activities and working style; closely following the grassroots' reality, firmly grasping the ideological situation, public opinion, improving forecasting ability; strengthening inspection; identifying key work programs, tasks and key solutions for the organization to effectively perform its functions and tasks.

Especially, in the first months of 2023, amidst general difficulties of the international and domestic context, the province's economic growth was lower than expected, industrial production, import and export faced many difficulties; many businesses did not have new orders, operated sluggishly, had to suspend operations and cut down their workforce; high-tech crime happened more regularly and became more sophisticated; the province's propagation and education branch synchronously performed many tasks; encouraged, motivated and created consensus among all classes of people to perform well political tasks, economic, social, security and defense targets of the Provincial Party Committee.

Specifically, the Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee continued to actively advise Provincial Party Standing Committee to conduct research, study, master and summarize directives, resolutions and conclusions of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee; diversify forms of propagation and education; strongly renovate the contents and methods of ideological orientation to be proactive, practical, timely and effective; improve combat, education, persuasion in propagation and education...

In addition, the Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee also focused on renewing and improving the quality of reporters and propagandists at all levels. The Provincial Party Propagation and Education Committee - the standing body of the Provincial 35 Steering Committee - actively strengthened the fight against false views and hostile forces on the ideological and cultural fronts, especially on cyberspace; strengthened the responsibility and initiative of members, groups of experts, secretariat of the 35 Steering Committee, functional agencies, the press, officials and party members in dissemination of policies, guidelines and regulations of the Party, the State and the province as well as participated in the struggle to prevent and remove fake news, bad and toxic information on the internet and social networks, contributing to ensuring political security, public order and safety, protecting the views and lines of the Party.

The province's propagation and education sector also conducted social opinion surveys according to plans and unscheduled tasks with ensured quality; researched and renovated social opinion surveys to become faster, more convenient and effective; proactively coordinated with functional agencies to well implement Decision No. 238-QD/TW, dated September 30, 2020 of the Secretariat (term 11th) on the Regulation on coordination between propagation and education boards at all levels and State agencies at the same level in law enforcement; implemented socio-economic development plans, solved outstanding issues, people's concern; did well in capturing, assessing and forecasting the ideology and public opinion to promptly advise the Party committee to handle "hot", complex and sensitive issues right from the grassroots level, prevent pressing and disappointment in public, affect the stability and general development of the province.

Ms. Truong Thi Bich Hanh said that in the coming time, the provincial propagation and education sector will continue to take on the pioneering role on the ideological and cultural fronts of the Party; create unity of awareness and action in the entire Party Committee, consensus among the people; arouse the will and aspiration to build Binh Duong into a smart, modern, livable and worth-living city...

Reported by Thu Thao - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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