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Binh Duong Province implements Decision No. 945 well

Update: 26-12-2013 | 00:00:00
In 2013, Binh Duong Province has implemented administrative procedure reforms rather well including Decision No. 945/QD-TTg of Prime Minister on allocation of local ministries and localities during the implementation of Resolution No. 57/2010/QH12 of National Assembly and inspection results of administrative reforms in some fields of direct relation to the people and enterprises under the universal program of reforming State’s administrative procedures.In the year, Provincial People’s Committee has directed to implement administrative procedure reforms. The control of administrative procedures saw good transition. Awareness among sectors, districts, towns, and Thu Dau Mot City has been improved to implement the tasks, creating high participation and unity of the society. Administrative procedures reforms have create favorable conditions for the public and enterprises The control of administrative procedures has been implemented by departments, sectors, and authorities of all levels to gain great success.Accordingly, impact evaluation of 3 legal documents with administrative procedure reforms such as Decision 13/2013/QD-UBND stipulating on environment awards to individuals, organizations, and communities in Binh Duong Province, and Decision No. 26/2013/QD-UBND stipulating on auction of land-use right charged with land-use fees or rents in Binh Duong Province, etc.Particularly, Provincial People’s Committee has demanded Department of Justice to coordinate with departments and sectors to consult with Provincial People’s Committee to issue 9 decisions announcing sets of administrative procedures under management of 9 departments, sectors, districts, and communes to facilitate paper work while monitoring conformity of officers and State’s agencies to regulations.Meantime, Provincial People’s Committee continues to demand departments, sectors, and agencies to implement plans of reviewing regulations and administrative procedures in 2013 as issued along with Decision No. 282 of Provincial People’s Committee and targets proposed for 2013.Mr. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Deputy Director of Department of Justice informed that in 2013 his office of Administrative Procedure Control has organized 2 professional training courses to review and control administrative procedures for nearly 300 specialized officers under departments, sectors, and agencies to control administrative procedures at the source.Implementing promotion of administrative procedure reforms demanded by Provincial People’s Committee Chair, in 2013, Provincial Department of Justice organized 3 checking-up sessions at 12 departments and sectors, 2 districts, and 4 communes, towns, and townships in the province.All the inspected agencies have complied to announcement of administrative procedures and implementation of administrative procedure sets announced by Provincial People’s Committee; however, the tasks were somehow lagged behind.The Provincial People’s Committee has also demanded promotion of information dissemination on administrative procedure reforms, demanding Binh Duong Newspaper and Binh Duong Television to post articles on specialized topics of administrative procedure reforms.Reported by Ho Van – Translated by Vi Bao
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