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Binh Duong Provincial Political School: Pride and Aspiration

Update: 21-09-2024 | 11:33:58

On September 24, Binh Duong Provincial Political School will hold a ceremony to receive the accreditation for achieving level-one standards. This is a special event, a milestone marking the more than 70-year journey of construction and development of the school, worthy of being the center for training and fostering cadres of the province; at the same time, it is a scientific research agency, summarizing practices, serving teaching, research, consulting on policy-making and consulting on socio-economic development, building an increasingly strong political system of the province.

Over the past 7 decades, although Binh Duong Political School has changed its name together with the separation and merger process of the province, the school's mission has remained unchanged; it has always been a center for training cadres to meet the requirements and tasks in each specific revolutionary stage.

Currently, Binh Duong Provincial Political School has fully proactively implemented training programs, meeting all training and development requirements of agencies, organizations and enterprises in the province.

Fulfill the mission

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: “Training cadres is the fundamental work of the Party.” And before leaving, he kindly reminded: “Training the next generation of revolutionaries is a very important and necessary task.” Therefore, to serve the revolutionary work, the training and fostering of cadres for the Party and government has always received special attention from Thu Dau Mot - Song Be - Binh Duong province.

Mr. Pham Van Kim, former Principal of the Provincial Political School, said that Binh Duong Provincial Political School was established in 1950 with the name Party School. Throughout 74 years of construction and growth, the school has always fulfilled its tasks and mission as a provincial Party School. From the first classes of the Propaganda Education Department to the establishment of the Party School, the work of training and fostering cadres has continuously developed, improved, and operated effectively, contributing significantly to the overall victory of the resistance wars to save the country.

Up to now, Binh Duong Provincial Political School has been a public service unit directly under the Provincial Party Committee, under the direct and regular leadership of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee. The school's teaching staff always has a passion for training and fostering cadres for the province and has been constantly innovating, thinking, and being creative in teaching.

Going back in history, during the two long resistance wars of the nation, the Party School sometimes operated openly, sometimes operated secretly (no classes were held), or sometimes operated semi-openly. During such times of change, cadre training was very difficult, but the cadres and teachers tried to overcome hardships, were not afraid of sacrifice, and were determined to achieve victory on the front against "illiteracy", contributing to bringing the Party's policies and guidelines to all classes of people to mobilize revolution and enlighten people’s classes.

During the subsidy period, especially after liberation, although life faced many difficulties and shortages, school leaders, teachers, and employees were still determined to stick with their profession. In particular, after Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Bich became director, during this period, with a determined mindset of learning and creativity, the school sent many cadres to study in localities and applied them to the province's conditions, opening many classes that had not existed before but were very practical for the province.

After the separation of Song Be province, in 1997, Binh Duong Provincial Political School was established. The school has more advantages than the previous period, but the school must overcome the lack of facilities and build a team of staff and lecturers; at the same time, carry out the task of training and fostering cadres assigned by the province. The training and fostering programs in this period mainly focused on intermediate political theory training; training for specialist programs; training for district and commune People's Council delegates and fostering professional skills for cadres of grassroots mass organizations...; at the same time, provided advanced political theory training, organized the opening of many professional classes to improve the professional qualifications of cadres and party members of the province.

Turn to the next page

By 2022, the Provincial Party Standing Committee assigned Dr. Nguyen Hoang Thao, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, to concurrently hold the position of Principal of the school. It can be said that at this time, the school's political mission has turned a new page with many improvements and advantages. Spacious and modern facilities. The staff and lecturers are highly qualified and increasingly standardized. The organizational structure of the school is specifically and clearly defined. Students study in a formal, disciplined environment. The intermediate political theory program is improved. Training management, scientific research activities, standards, tasks, and working regimes of lecturers are regulated with high standards...

The school coordinated and cooperated with prestigious and quality schools in the country such as the Regional Political Academy 2, the National Academy of Public Administration, Hanoi Law University, Ho Chi Minh City Law University, Ho Chi Minh City Academy of Officials; People's Security University... to open classes and invite many good experts and leading teachers to the school. Since then, the annual training and development results have increased, with an average of 37 classes opened with nearly 3,000 students per year. The good results of training and fostering have contributed to standardizing and improving the professional qualifications and political theory of the province's cadres, civil servants and public employees.

The task of building a team of cadres and lecturers has made new progress, meeting the teaching requirements of the intermediate political theory training program and the training programs under the school's authority. The school's scientific research activities are carried out in many diverse forms and have achieved many results, thereby meeting the criteria of a level-one Political School as prescribed by the Politburo.

Mr. To Van Son, Vice Principal of the Provincial Political School, said that in its early days, the school has only opened 3 classes/year, mainly training secretaries, Party cell members in charge of propaganda, and Party cell members in charge of inspection; by 2023, the school opened 61 classes with a total of 6,672 students. The school has fully proactively implemented its program and met all training and development requirements of agencies, organizations and businesses in the province. The results after training show that most of the trainees have successfully developed their knowledge and skills in practice, bringing practical results to their organization. Many students after graduation have been assigned to positions in Party committees, governments and mass organizations. Many people were appointed to high positions in the apparatus of departments, branches; People's Committees of districts, cities; communes, wards and towns.

Over 70 years of construction and development, Binh Duong Provincial Political School has achieved impressive results, consistently fulfilling the political tasks assigned annually by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee.

With many achievements in activities since the renovation until now, the school has received many certificates of merit from the Central to provincial levels. In 1998, the school was awarded the third-class Labor Medal by the President for its outstanding achievements from 1993-1997; in 2007, the school received the second-class Labor Medal for its outstanding achievements from 2002-2006; the Prime Minister awarded a certificate of merit to the school’s Department of Organization and Administration for its outstanding achievements from 2002-2004; the Prime Minister awarded a certificate of merit to the Department of Organization and Training for its many achievements in contributing to the cause of building socialism and defending the Fatherland.

In 2007, the school also received many certificates of merit from the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics for its achievements in training and fostering cadres, and many certificates of merit from the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee of Binh Duong province. In 2013, the school received a certificate of merit from the Military Region 7 Command for its outstanding achievements in the 10-year emulation movement from 2002-2012 to protect the Socialist Fatherland; received many leading emulation flags of the Southeast Cluster, emulation of the Party Committee’s bloc...

Reported by Thu Thao - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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