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Binh Duong ranks 16th in results of realizing Index 766

Update: 31-10-2023 | 12:20:51

Early October 30, provincial Steering Committee for Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation, Project No.06, Smart City held a meeting for the 43rd week from October 23 to 30.

At the meeting, Truong Cong Huy, Director of provincial Public Administration Center quickly reported the results of the Index 766 and the results of implementing a number of key tasks of the Steering Committee. Accordingly, on October 30, the province achieved 74.7 points, ranking 16th nationwide, up 0.5 points and up 1 place compared to the results on October 23. During the week, the sectors processed 712 out of 4,060 real late dossiers at provincial level. There were 8 more real late dossiers during the week. There are still 2,631 late dossiers at provincial level on the National Public Service Portal. The cause of delay was due to technical errors on the province's system; due to suspended records...that have not been processed in the past week. Another reason was that departments, sectors and localities did not had good coordination with provincial Department of Information and Communications, VNPT and Center for Public Administration to review, identify and classify the list of documents under the above mentioned groups of causes to have thorough solutions.

Also last week, the province’s indexes on transparency; online public services; digitization gained increase in the number of points while indexes of the progress in processing documents, the level of satisfaction remained unchanged in the number of points. At the meeting, leaders of relevant departments, sectors and units focused on discussing and analyzing existing causes and shortcomings in implementing administrative reform and digital transformation while putting forwards solutions to effectively implement the key tasks of the Steering Committee in the coming time.

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

Binh Duong
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