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Binh Duong Rubber One-Member Co.Ltd. takes fruits thanks to right track

Update: 14-01-2014 | 00:00:00

Previously known as Cay Truong Plantation, Binh Duong Rubber One-Member Co.Ltd. (or called Binh Duong Rubber Co.) in Ben Cat district’s Cay Truong commune officially became a member of Becamex IDC on August 2013. During its development process, the company made contributions to the local socio-economic development. Acknowledging this, the Party and State awarded the third-class Labor Medal to the company. 

On behalf of State President, provincial People’s Committee Vice-Chairman Tran Van Nam (first right) awarding the third-class Labor Medal to Binh Duong Rubber One-Member Co.Ltd.

Shifting in crop plants on right track

Binh Duong Rubber Co. was previously Cay Truong Plantation established in 1977 under the People’s Committee of Song Be, now called Binh Duong. Set up after the country was just liberated, Cay Truong Plantation faced difficulties, but it still completed its task of reclaiming a land of fire during the struggle for national independence and freedom, contributing to the national construction and development cause.

In the initial period, the plantation was fully covered by sugar canes. Till 1993, the plantation’s directorate bravely changed to growing rubber trees with high economic efficiency. All 1,213 hectares of the plantation have been covered by rubber trees. Of the total, 1,100 hectares of rubber trees are now under exploitation.

Thanks to the good leadership of the unit’s leaders, competent staff plus favorable weather and soil conditions, the unit has constantly developed, contributing to the local socio-economic development.

In October 2009, Cay Truong Plantation was officially developed into Binh Duong Rubber Co. to be suitable to its economic tasks in the new context. It is known that along with advantages, the company faced many difficulties during the initial period of development. But thanks to having high determination and upholding favorable conditions, Binh Duong Rubber Co. gained considerable achievements in production and business. In the 2008 and 2013 alone, the company achieved VND350bln in total revenue, VND55bln in profit and paid between VND10bln and VND15bln for State budget. Laborers herein enjoyed the monthly average income of between VND10mln and VND12.mln per capita…

Towards sustainable development

In 2011, the company decided to build a rubber latex-processing factory towards sustainable development. The US$80bln-factory was officially put into operation after two-year operation with the annual capacity of 6,000 tons.

Tran Van Nam, Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee spoke highly of achievements done by the company. He said: “Binh Duong is now home to 131,000 hectares of rubber trees with the annual output of rubber latex reaching more than 194,000 tons. Of these, more than 72,000 hectares are under small rubber gardens with the annual rubber latex output of more than 107,000 tons. But now, there are few rubber latex processing factories, so small rubber gardens have found it difficult to seek consumption market. Before the situation, the birth of the above factory has not only helped the company take initiative in dealing with the issue of market comsumption for its products, but also created a network of purchasing and processing rubber latex from small rubber plantations; thereby contributing to creating jobs for rural laborers, promoting the local rural construction process…”.

For achievements done over the past time, Binh Duong Rubber Co. has just awarded the third-class Labor Medal. Vu Duy Vien, CEO of the company has also been awarded the third-class Labor Medal. Regarding the noble awards, according to him, the company will make more efforts for better development and will be an outstanding enterprise in the province’s rubber industry.

The company has also actively got involved in social charity activities towards the community, including attaching special importance to “paying debt of gratitude” task, building great unity houses for policy beneficiary families, supporting poor people and those hit by natural disasters…Particularly, the company over time built 4 gratitude houses, 4 houses of compassion; maintained 3 Vietnamese heroic mothers; provided the annual relief aid of VND100mln for people hit by natural disasters; visited and presented gifts to war invalids, martyrs’ families, veterans…

Reported by Ve Giang-Translated by K.T

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