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Binh Duong’s youths volunteering for the community

Update: 27-02-2019 | 11:49:37

Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee, on February 26, held a ceremony to launch the Youth Month 2019 at Phu Giao district’s Museum. On this occasion, Binh Duong Daily had an interview with Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, Secretary of provincial Youth Union about major activities of the local youths during the Youth Month 2019.

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Xuan, Secretary of provincial Youth Union beats a drum to launch the Youth Month 2019

-What is the theme of provincial Youth Month 2019?

The theme of provincial Youth Month 2019 is “Binh Duong’s youths volunteering for the community”. Accordingly, this year’s Youth Month will focus on solutions to improve the quality of Youth Union branches in association with the implementation of the Resolution of Youth Union congresses, the Resolution of the 10th provincial Youth Union and the Resolution of the  11th national Youth Union congress; enhancing the quality of Youth Union cadres, members and activities. During the Youth Month, provincial Youth Unions at all levels will organize a variety of practical and significant activities from February 24 to March, 2019.

-What are major tasks of provincial Youth Month 2019 under the above theme?

Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee has set three major tasks, including bending on education of revolutionary ideal, morality, lifestyle among youths by many forms in association with the theme of “Youth Volunteer Year” launched by the Central Committee of the Youth Union and the 50th anniversary of implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament; rechecking and improving the quality of Youth Union branches; strengthening a task of uniting and gathering youths, organizing classes on skills of the Youth Union and associations; carrying out youth works for the community, taking part in civilized urban and new-style rural construction…

Concrete activities comprise of a ceremony to launch the Youth Month 2019, a festival for students with five good performances, a sports festival for students, a program on vocational and exam season consultancy for high-school pupils, a program in response to the Earth Hour Campaign 2019, “Green Sunday” and “Voluntary Saturday” campaigns, a seminar upholding the effectiveness of the
”three-responsibility” movement and honoring outstanding officials and civil servants, a get-together honoring families of outstanding Youth Union cadres…; donating 4 “young shoot” works at provincial level, “red scarf” houses, organizing a festival for poor-but-excellent children…

-How is provincial Youth Union Standing Committee’s plan to ensure the effectiveness of the Youth Month 2019?

For the Youth Month 2019 further getting good results, provincial Youth Union Standing Committees at all levels need to strengthen their role and have close coordination to create general strength to well realize a task of educating and caring for teenagers and children; create a favorable environment for them to reach comprehensive development with youth works in association with the local tasks on politics, economics, culture, society and national defence-security…

Youth works during the Youth Month 2019 must be implemented towards grassroots level with effectiveness and practicality, absorbing the participation of numerous Youth Union members, thereby affirming the role of the Youth Union in uniting and gathering youths and the role of youths in national defence and construction, contributing to creating a significant Youth Month on Binh Duong homeland.

-Thanks a lot!

Reported by Thanh Le-Translated by K.T


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