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Binh Duong strives to complete the highest development targets in 2023

Update: 14-09-2023 | 12:39:06

During the first 9 months of 2023, although there were certain difficulties, with efforts in operating and implementing solutions, the province's economy attained some encouraging results. Yet to achieve the best results in 2023, Provincial People's Committee has set up solutions to support businesses making breakthroughs in production and business, contributing to ensuring social welfare and security, creating jobs for workers.

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, speaks at the meeting.

The economy recovers positively

On September 13, Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, chaired the 43rd meeting of the Provincial People's Committee. Mai Hung Dung, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Van Danh, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, and leaders of departments, branches, districts, towns and cities in the province attended the meeting.

Provincial People's Committee briefed on the socio-economic development, national defense and security situation over 9 months and key tasks in the last months of 2023 at the meeting. In the first 9 months of 2023, besides advantages, the global situation continued to have complicated developments, high inflation, declining growth, and declining consumer demand in many countries. Provincial People's Committee issued plans and documents to implement the Government's resolutions and directions of the Central ministries, Provincial Party Committee, and Provincial People's Council to facilitate socio-economic growth.

With many efforts in management, production business activities recovered positively, social welfare and security was guaranteed, the socio-economic field over the first 9 months of 2023 achieved many good results, political security, social order and safety were maintained and stable. Gross regional product (GRDP) of the whole province is estimated to increase by 4.9% over the same period in 2022.

In the general difficult conditions, social investment resources created driving forces for the province's socio-economic development. Namely, the total investment capital for social development in 9 months is estimated at VND109,924 billion, an increase of 11.4% over the same period last year. The province's industrial production still achieved good growth year-on-year. The nine-month index of industrial production (IIP) is estimated to increase by 4.0%, it is forecast that for the whole year 2023, the province's GRDP would grow by about 6.0%... By September 8, 2023, the total disbursement value of public investment capital was VND8,886 billion, reaching 40.8% of the 2023 target assigned by Provincial People's Council and 72.9% of the target assigned by the Prime Minister. The results of public investment capital implementation have been identified by the province as an important political task, creating motivation for the province's economic growth.

To continue providing support

Stating that the remaining 3 months of the year still face many difficulties and challenges, the Chairman of Provincial People's Committee ordered departments, branches and levels to pay special attention, not to be negligent, subjective, and closely follow the situation, proactively and decisively in directing, operating and supporting production business, take advantage of time to accelerate the process of recovery and socio-economic development. Continue to closely follow and implement instructions from all levels on development, striving to best complete the proposed tasks and plans.

The province will focus on some solutions and meet and dialogue with industry associations and businesses to remove difficulties and obstacles in production and business. In particular, attention is paid to solutions to improve the ability of businesses and people to access preferential loans, thereby increasing the ability to absorb capital sources well for the market, contributing to promoting production and stimulating the consumer market, recovering production and business activities in all fields.

Accelerate site clearance and construction of key projects, improve quality and shorten appraisal time for investment projects, and focus on disbursement of public investment capital. Focus on solving problems of real estate projects, social housing, production and business, trade and services...

In addition to removing difficulties for businesses in production and business, Minh also asked departments and branches to continue performing well social security work, especially taking care of the lives of workers having difficult circumstances, implementing plans to connect and support workers looking for jobs...

Over the first 9 months of 2023, the province’s budget revenue is estimated at more than VND44,000 billion, reaching 59% of the estimate assigned by Provincial People's Council and 67% of the estimate assigned by the Prime Minister, equal to 91% of 2022 revenue. Of which, domestic revenue was VND32,552 billion, import and export tax collection was VND11,528 billion. Total implemented budget expenditure was 15,126 billion VND. In the first 9 months of 2023, credit institutions in the area mobilized a total deposit of VND282,000 billion, loan balance was estimated at 302,000 billion VND. Credit institutions have decreased interest rates four times to help recover production and business activities.

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee: From now until the end of the year, we need to focus on key tasks, paying attention to coordination and implementation, avoiding the situation of shifting responsibilities. Accelerate disbursement of public investment capital, remove difficulties and obstacles for businesses regarding land, investment licensing procedures, real estate projects, social housing, production and business, trade and services... Put more efforts to achieve budget collection targets, ensuring balance of expenditure on public investment. In addition, industries need to pay more attention to digital transformation, administrative reform, and continue to complete the project of installing security surveillance cameras to ensure social security and order in the area.

eported by Minh Duy - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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