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Binh Duong Trade Union to support workers

Update: 25-07-2019 | 15:23:33

Together with trade unions across the country, over 90 years of construction and development, provincial trade unions always overcome difficulties, constantly innovate their content and methods, construct strong trade unions, take care of and protect the legitimate and legitimate rights and interests of laborers.

Activities of Binh Duong Trade Union focus on grassroots level, take care of life, protect legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees. In photo: Nguyen Hoang Bao Tran, Vice Chairwoman of provincial Labor Federation, and Dang Thi Kim Chi, Trade Union Chairwoman of Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park, hand flowers to excellent trade union officials.

For the benefits of workers

Since its founding, along with political organizations and unions in the province, Binh Duong Trade Union has promoted its role, well performed its functions, and held a particularly important position in the process of industrialization and urbanization in the province. Under the leadership of Provincial Party Committee, Binh Duong Trade Union regularly renovate their organization, content, and methods in line with the actual situation; take care of and protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees; propagate and educate workers and laborers; launch and organize patriotic emulation movements, creating motivation and arousing the intellectual potential of numerous workers and employees.

Specifically, their role of representing employees, taking care of, and protecting rights and interests of employees has been well performed by Binh Duong Trade Union. This was demonstrated by many programs on Tet holiday; increasing number of dialogues and negotiations in protecting the rights of employees and programs "For the benefits of union members”...

New thinking, new ways

Currently, despite of many advantages, trade union movements are also facing many difficulties and challenges. Therefore, each union member must have a new way of thinking, a new way of working, which is close to grassroots level, close to workers, be more active and flexible in advising, proposing, and performing tasks. Truong Thi Bich Hanh, Chairwoman of Provincial Labor Federation, said: "In the current context, especially when our country is implementing commitments in Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Vietnam Trade Union in general and Binh Duong Trade Union in particular are forced to innovate substantially, focus on core issues, make themselves attractive to workers and laborers ...”

Furthermore, in 2019, Provincial Labor Federation launched emulation movement "Innovation, creativity, and effectiveness in operations of trade unions" to all-level trade unions in the province. The content of this movement was to renew thinking and actions in task implementation of each union level; build a strong trade union and approach to union members, employees, and trade union communication; creative in building models, expanding new models, new ways, new solutions; effective in implementing movements. The results of this emulation movement and trade union activities must clearly show the product, be exemplary, and pervasive; avoid wasteful and expensive activities. Local trade unions, direct trade unions, establishments, departments, and units under Provincial Labor Federation, and trade union officials at all levels, union members are the ones who implement this movement.

According to the assessment, although the movement has recently been implemented, it has promoted intelligence, encouraged officials and union members to propose initiatives and solutions to improve operational efficiency, position, and reputation of trade unions in the new situation. Up to now, there have been many units registering for emulation with many innovative contents and forms. Namely, "Renovating content and method of trade unions of business sector", "Savings books for employees", "Voluntary youths, self-defense forces in enterprises"...

With the determination to innovate, be creative, effective in operations, promote revolutionary traditions in the past 90 years, Binh Duong Trade Union will continue to be a companion of laborers in the future.

 The whole province has 1,653 effective collective labor agreements, reaching nearly 60%. Provincial Labor Federation signed and cooperates with 40 units to implement welfare programs for union members and laborers. Up to now, there are more than 251,000 union members, employees benefiting from the welfare programs, buying goods with discounts of 5 - 40% compared to the normal price...

Reported by Thu Thao – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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