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Binh Duong urban planning till 2020 and vision 2030 – global vision and Binh Duong identity

Update: 04-07-2013 | 00:00:00

Becoming a central city

According to the announced planning, Binh Duong urban area will become a hub of politics, economics, socio-culture, tech-science and national defense and security; a first class city with 6 districts and 4 precincts; an industrial city established on development of industrial parks and urban, service, training, medical, sport fields.

Binh Duong urban area will be also a developing region on industry, bio-agriculture, eco-tourism, natural conservation and resort. The planning’s goal aims at building Binh Duong into a central city in the period of 2020-2030.

Till 2015, Binh Duong urban area will consist of one city, four towns and 4 districts under management of the provincial administration. Also this time, the integrated administration and politic center will be perfected and include many new urban areas of Hoa Phu, Phu Tan linking with Thu Dau Mot city to become a central urban area of Binh Duong urban system.

In terms of urban development goals, Binh Duong urban area population will be at about 2.5 million people in 2020 and at about 3.5 million people in 2030. In addition, GDP per capita will reach VND63.2mil per year in 2015 and local structure of industry, service, and agriculture will be at 59%, 38% and 3%, respectively.

One planning, 3 strategies

Gael Desveaux, architect cum planning expert and general director of Arep Vietnam – a consultancy unit of the common planning stressed that Binh Duong’s urban system development will be based on a principle of “one planning, 3 strategies linking with green corridor” that is considered as a proper and feasible choice.

Accordingly, Binh Duong urban area will be divided into 3 regions. The first region will be in the South with a high density urban model linking highly with Ho Chi Minh City. Localities under the first region will consist of Thuan An and Di An towns.

Meanwhile, the second region will be a central area with a multi-functional model under average density and Thu Dau Mot will hold a central role in the second region. In this region, new urban areas of Hoa Phu and Phu Tan in Binh Duong New City will become a politics and administration center after 2015 whilst old urban areas of Phu Cuong, Phu Loi will hold functions of service and industry, Nam Tan Uyen urban area will hold role of urban-industry-service area, Tan Ba, Thai Hoa and Tan Binh areas will have functions of port urban, service and industrial centers.

The third region will be located in the North with satellite urban model. This region will include Tan Thanh district with functions of service-tourism, district administration center; Cong Xanh with industry-service functions; Thuong Tan with industry-service functions; Phuoc Vinh with service-industry and district administration center; Bau Bang with industry-service functions and district politics and administration center; Dau Tieng with tourism-service and district politics and administration center; Long Hoa – An Lap with industry-service functions; Thanh Tuyen with industry-service functions and Minh Hoa and Minh Thanh with industry-service functions, etc.

Binh Duong urban common planning till 2020 and vision 2030 is oriented position, scope of functional areas, common technical infrastructure system, regulations on space, architecture, urban image and prioritized investment programs, etc.

10 main ideals for Binh Duong identity

-Open policy.

-Improving of socio-economic development, meeting living condition for population.

-Developing green space and urban agriculture production.

-Luring investment and developing local economy.

-Strengthening traffic system, decreasing traffic congestion and pollution.

-Improving quality of living, developing environmentally-friendly trade and smokeless industry.

-Protecting channel system.

-Developing tourism activities.

-Decreasing one third of pollution caused by traffic system.

-Planning for all people.

Reported by T.Son – Translated by A.C

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