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Binh Duong youth to be voluntary and creative for the community

Update: 28-02-2020 | 16:12:12

Activities, projects, works within Youth Month 2020 must be oriented towards the grassroots, have characteristic content, high action, and widespread. This was shared by Tran Bao Lam, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Youth Union, when talking about Youth Month this year.

Communication on preventing and fighting against Covid-19, delivering free hand sanitizers and facemasks to people are some activities during Youth Month 2020.

- The theme of Youth Month this year is "Binh Duong youth to be voluntary and creative for the community". What are key activities of Youth Month 2020 in Binh Duong?

- Youth Month this year, Binh Duong youth strive for the theme of "Binh Duong youth to be voluntary and creative for the community", with the purpose of educating the younger generation about patriotism, national pride of the Party and Youth Union's glorious tradition; innovating youth voluntary methods, enhancing regular and on-site voluntary activities... Thereby, contributing young strength to building wealthier, more beautiful and civilized Binh Duong; creating a vibrant patriotic emulation movement in all fields of labor, production, learning and training among Youth Union staff and members in order to welcome Party Congress at all levels to the 13th National Party Congress, the 89th anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

In addition, in 2020, provincial Youth Union will simultaneously organize activities, including: "Communication activity chain of environmental protection and response to climate change" (distributing leaflets of environmental protection, campaigning for commitment signing not littering streets, distributing handbooks of environmental protection, giving trash bins, cleaning streets...) and health counsel (distributing leaflets, counseling on how to prevent and combat coronavirus, giving free medical masks to people) on 29 Feb 2020; law communication to children; "Green Sunday"; the model "Changing new clothes for old walls", "Youth flower route"; "inspiring journey" at grassroots communal, ward and township Youth Unions; launching simultaneously Union Day - Youth Day 2020; directing 100% youth branches to organize "Happy and Healthy Children" festival in elementary schools, "Progressing to Youth Union" festival in junior high schools simultaneously from 21 to 26 Mar, admitting new union members on occasion of 89 years anniversary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union; directing each youth branch to perform at least one youth work...

- What are the differences between Youth Month 2020 and previous years?

- For Youth Month this year, provincial Youth Union will not organize the launching ceremony, instead we simultaneously begin to implement youth works on February 29. Thuan An City is selected as the venue, where sanitation activities will take place in public places, schools, and clinics; blood donation; free medical examination and medicine distribution... In order to meet the urgent needs and actual situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, provincial Youth Union will carry out dissemination information, distribution of leaflets, free medical masks and hand sanitizers to youth members and citizen.

Recently, due to the complicated developments of the Covid-19, Youth Unions carried out communication activities, improved knowledge about disease prevention and combat, and knowledge about epidemics. Since then, youth members and people have become more aware and responsible towards the community. For example, Provincial Youth Union launched a campaign of humanitarian blood donation, which attracted the participation of many youth members, the amount of blood collected exceeded the set target. Provincial Youth Union also asked youth branches to actively cooperate in the prevention and combat of Covid-19; strengthened the sanitation counseling for people...

- Sir, Youth Month this year will have what activities associated with the theme of "Youth Binh Duong step forward under the Party flag"? Besides, for political thought to be transformed into concrete actions, what activities will be performed by provincial Youth Union?

- This year, Provincial Youth Union Executive Committee launched a series of 90 journeys "Continuing the tradition - Stepping into the future" in all levels of provincial Youth Union. Thereby, youth branches will organize visits, trips for members to carry out meaningful works at red addresses, historical sites, and visit 50-year-seniority party members to be inspired, consolidate revolutionary ideals. Especially, in March 2020, Provincial Youth Union Executive Committee will commend outstanding individuals and collectives of the writing contest "The day I join Vietnam Communist Party"; organize a meeting to commend and reward 90 excellent young party members in 2020; a seminar on "Improving the quality of Party development work in youth members of Binh Duong Province" on 13 Mar. In addition, during Youth Month 2020, one of the key targets launched by Provincial Youth Union Executive Committee is 100% youth branches to organize political activities with the theme "Binh Duong Youth with constant trust in the Party” to foster revolutionary ideals and belief in Vietnam Communist Party.

- In order for Youth Month's activities to be really effective, what is the direction of Provincial Youth Union?

- Youth Union at all levels must be active in advising Party Committees and local authorities to quickly concretize and effectively implement Youth Month in localities and units; closely collaborate with related branches, organizations and individuals to mobilize resources to create favorable conditions and environment to care for young people. Youth activities and works must be oriented towards the grassroots, with specific content, high action, widespread. It must be practical, effective, attract active and responsible participation of a large number of youth members, and the attention of society.

Youth members should respect the attention of leaders, local authorities, organizations, individuals, and put more effort into working, learning, training, contributing youth strength to the development of the hometown and country. Youth Month is an opportunity for youth members to devote their efforts, their energies, pioneering spirit, then to grow up.

- Thank you!

Reported by Ngoc Nhu - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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